Subject: What's Passion got to do with it?

Hi, Ray here.

One of the fastest ways to stumble off the path when starting out online

is to listen to one of the most misleading pieces of advice EVER that states:

“Just follow your passion.. Do what you love.”

Don't take this the wrong way but, But Screw passion!

Screw doing what you love.

Here's a list of things I love:

  > Going to the beach

  > Spending time with friends & family

  > Consuming content on ancient history

  > Playing with my dog “Phil”

  > Listening to and playing music

I've tried for years to get paid while doing just those things.. but with no luck.

"OK, Ray, then what do you suggest?"

Step number one: find a hungry market

Step number two: give them what they want.

Making $10k/month consistently will allow you to do all the things you love
[and trust me, life's more fun this way].

If you can relate to what I'm telling you,

Then you'll be interested to know there's a way you can copy 
the same trusted formula I used when I was starting out.

[By the way, this formula didn't work just for me]

It also worked for a student of mine, Rick Cordero, a frustrated freelancer 
who went on to make $144,000 his first year!

And during the training you'll hear about dozens more case studies of complete beginners who achieved their financial goals using this very simple method.

         Click here to learn how


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