Subject: What Is The Biggest Problem For Affiliate Marketers?

Finding a source of targeted buyer traffic is the #1 thing that determines your success or failure of an affiliate marketer. 

If you do a search for online traffic you will find the usual traffic nonsense that has been thrown around for the past decade.

The list includes:

  1. Paid traffic [Google ads, Facebook ads]

  2. SEO [optimizing your website]

  3. Posting on social media 

  4. Posting on Forums

  5. Article submissions sites

  6. Guest blogging

  7. YouTube video marketing

Much of this list is dependent on creating massive amounts of content. 

So much content in fact that I don’t believe it’s humanly possible for a 
lone affiliate marketer to do it.

    ⇒ Starting with PPC [paid ads], the competition and pricing is fierce making it 
highly unlikely to produce any reasonable ROI. 

Whether it be Google, Facebook or any other paid platform,
their main concern is with getting the maximum dollars from you.

    ⇒ With SEO, you can optimize your website as much as you’d like, 
the average affiliate will not rank for content competing with the likes of 
Neil Patel, Ryan Deiss, Franklin Hatchet or Russel Brunson 
[just to name a few].

    ⇒ Posting on social media again, means creating constant original content
to build a following… No small feat, and who would want to even try.

It was never my goal as an affiliate marketer to be chained to my computer 
all day every day.. I did it for the freedom.. Both personal and financial.

    ⇒ Posting on forums, article submission sites and guest blogging, 
to me all fall into the same category. 

Creating waves of fresh content with the hope of getting traffic is 
so far fetched it’s hard to even think HOW it could possibly work.

It may have been a viable strategy 10 years ago, but I don’t know
WHO would have the patience.

    ⇒ Video marketing, on the other hand, is a very viable strategy..

But, it’s clearly not for everyone. 

Aside from the skills needed to compete there is a need for even more content [and editing]. 

Today, top affiliate marketers have entire teams of video creation experts 
cranking out daily videos with a highly stylized production staff 
getting millions of views each day.

I must admit, creating videos has never been something that I was very good 
at or ever enjoyed.. I just don’t see the upside.

I have been an affiliate marketer since 2008. Over the years [especially when I was starting out], all of the items that are listed above I have personally used myself… With almost zero results.

It was only when I discovered a traffic shortcut that everything changed for me.

The 2nd biggest problem for affiliate marketers is wasting time. 

Spending vast amounts of time on suspect marketing methods that DO NOT work..

...And then shifting gears in another direction to start all over again 
will keep you poor.

Once I solved my online traffic problem, my income increased dramatically 


You only need ONE reliable traffic source to earn a tremendous income 
online as an affiliate marketer.

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