Subject: Something you will always remember

How long?

How long have you been trying to make this whole internet thing work?

A few weeks? Several months? A couple years? God forbid,
maybe even longer than that?

If it’s been a while, then maybe you can relate.

If not, think about something in your life that you’ve worked for.

Something that you really wanted to achieve success in...

But it felt like no matter how hard you worked at it, things just didn’t seem
like they wanted to budge.

Then, you started to see progress.

That small bit of progress sent your belief that you can succeed through the roof.

All of a sudden, more of these “small wins” started to add up to really BIG wins.

Almost as if someone just turned the faucet of success on and
 things just started to flow.

Internet marketing is like this.

When trying to make things work, it can be discouraging.

It can be a pain in the butt.

But once you make that first sale…

It’s all smooth sailing from there.

And more than anything, it’s that something you will always remember

Because it’s at that moment that you realize that you CAN succeed.

It starts with just one, “small win”

To YOUR Success

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