Subject: Making money with YouTube Affiliate Marketing

Hey, Ray here.

I've gotten agreat deal of inquiries lately regarding YouTube and video affiliate marketing... So I wanted to address and I hope you find it helpful.

How to Make Money With YouTube Affiliate Marketing

Making money on YouTube is simple, in theory… You just need to add affiliate links to your videos and consider monetizing your channel when you have enough viewers.

Getting your affiliate links seen and used, however, is the hard part. 

As is building up your viewers. You should always have a clear image of your target audience in mind.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to produce quantity over quality. The most successful YouTube channels focus on one specific niche. The more specific the better.

Also, you need to pick the best products - promoting just anything will lead to negative reviews and a loss of trust.

Remember, your goal is to provide value to your audience. 

Your ultimate goal is to create a stable income flow, 
but you will never achieve that without offering something of use.

Whether that’s just entertainment or you actually help solve problems, 
you need to be providing something of value to your viewers.

Following these simple rules will make your content valuable and shareable. The more you get your videos out there, the more clicks your affiliate links will get.

Know Your Options

You could make any type of content but there are video formulas that are proven
 to work for affiliate marketing on YouTube.

The following is a list of the main 4 types of videos that can be used effectively.

1. Product Reviews... These videos are simple to make and have the highest value. They also have a higher tendency to build user loyalty.

2. How-To Videos... YouTube is full of how-to videos. Even for the smallest item in your home, you can probably find a setup or tutorial video.

As long as you stay within your niche, you can get very creative with your topics 
and link back to your affiliate offer.

3. Trending... Staying on top of current YouTube trends is another great way of 
being relevant. 

This means you need to regularly watch YouTube videos and shorts to see 
what is happening.

4. Vlogging... The best way to get started is to find and follow other YouTubers 
in your niche.

You don’t want to copy them exactly but adapt another channel’s format to suit you, that way you know the content is already proven and working.

You’ll find a lot of them have affiliate links in the description.

The Main Thing

  - Focus on Creating Valuable Content.

  - Start by using the many Free tools available such as Canva.

  - Create YouTube Shorts - YouTube shorts are 60 second clips or compilations... They're quuick and easy to digest leading to an increase in viewership [also much easier to create].

Build Playlists

Playlists are a great way to get people to watch your videos. If you can create a genuinely useful playlist, then people are likely to watch for longer as the next 
video is automatically played.

Be Consistent

Probably the most important tip in this list is:

Be consistent. If you can only post a video once per week, then start there. Don’t create a bunch of videos in one week and launch them all, then have nothing for three months.

The best advice I can offer you when it comes to YouTube affiliate marketing is
to just get started!

90% of all affiliate marketing is a “learn as you go” process.

Wishing you all the very best and for those interested in YouTube Affiliate Marketing,
I hope this helps.

All the very best,

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