Subject: Making $14k/month working 15 minutes a day


It's Ray here.

I’m sure your inbox is overloaded with "GURU" emails…

You know the ones, exaggerated HYPE and BIG LIES promising you crazy riches beyond your wildest dreams… and all you have to do is “push a button” to get it…

I’m sure you’re as sick of it as I am.

On top of it, it can be very overwhelming.

You’re absolutely right to feel that way.

I’ve definitely been there.

 I used to be a GURU GARBAGE junkie.

For years, I bought books, video courses, software, apps, courses and programs.


Because I had a job I hated...

In addition to that, I had to be away from home all the time, work with miserable people and I felt depressed and "stuck” all the time. 

I felt that my time and my life didn't seem to belong to me.

Most of that GURU crap I bought was useless... Silly, insulting,
 Or just way too complicated to do.

Or required risking lots of money.

I remember thinking then; if I ever actually stumbled across anything
 that was "real," I'd want to tell everyone who would listen.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Before I became successful online, I was in massive debt.

And I was dumping tons of money into these programs and software trying to get a home-based, online business going.

I was one step away from being homeless. And I managed to pile up $38,000 in debt on credit cards, failing with my attempts at building an online business.

I went from a relatively happy young guy to an embarrassment to my family, a parasite to my friends, and an all around miserable failure.

I was wide awake many nights, unable to sleep...

But there was something inside me that made me more determined than ever 
to find some way to make my "dream" of a successful, 
online business of my own  come true.

I was fixated on living the “laptop lifestyle.”

Now here's the unbelievable "punch line:

I started using one very special online business plan

"In less than 1 years' time after this disaster, I went from drowning in credit card debt and being nearly homeless, to being flush with cash, NO debt and living in a beautiful new home with a brand new car.

ALL paid for in cash!

Everyday I wake up, look at my accounts, and pinch myself that this is really happening. It is truly like living a dream.

Now of course I didn't go from being deeply in debt to making over 
$200,000 per year.

But once you start making money consistently, it's an easy step to just do more of what's working to dramatically increase your income.

That IS the best part of having an online business.

There is no limit to what you can earn...

In fact, I plan to grow my online business from $200K to $350k over the next 12 months... Just by doing more of what is already working!

The thing about all of this is... I’m not trying to win your sympathy or brag about how I went from having nothing to literally having everything I wanted.

I’m telling you all this because YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL TOO!

You can have everything you want. It’s not hard. In fact it’s easy. Y

You just have to get started, just like I did.

However, UNLIKE what I did, you don’t have to struggle for years and years… you don’t have to try and fail and waste thousands of dollars….


By taking advantage of this very exclusive [and limited] opportunity to copy the same online business model that I used [and am still using today].


You can skip all the failure… Stop chasing every new program that comes along, because you don’t need them anymore.

Look, I now generate over $14k every month. And I do it without fancy software…without spending a fortune… without any special skills or talent at all.

I do it by following a simple formula that only takes a few minutes each day
to maintain.

If you can type… And you have an internet connection… you can do this.

And not only do you get to “steal” my business plan and use it yourself to make as much money as you want…
But you'll also be personally mentored, to make sure you do it right!

This is the “ticket” to the life you want.

This is NOT a joke.

Exclusive Club Members have access to everything they need to get their own
online business up and running at lightening speed.

        >> Click here now to learn how

Success waits for no one... the sooner you start, the sooner you can begin living
YOUR dream life.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this crazy long email.

I'll see you on the inside.

       Click here to start

All the best and talk soon,

, 69 SKYLINE DRIVE, 08830, Iselin, United States
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