Subject: Keeping it simple [the online money edition]

What if you lost your job and you had to replace your income in the next 2 weeks,

But, you couldn’t build a website or build an email list - 
would you be able to figure it out?

People love to over-complicate things.

For Example: making money online

Beginners see all the stuff they have to do to get it set up and quit 
before even starting.

Or they end up spending on super expensive and useless products they don't need.

But complexity is overrated.

I'm here to tell you that you – It NEEDS to be simple.

Despite what experts say, you only need:

1. A funnel that coverts

2. And a reliable Traffic source

The traffic is simple to understand, so let's talk about the funnel a bit.

As you may know, a funnel is a series of pages that convert a cold visitor into an engaged prospect and then into a customer for some kind of offer.

If it converts and you send a decent amount of visitors to it, you'll make money.

Simple, right?

But a funnel that converts is hard to pull off.

For example, it took me 4 years to put together my first one.

This was after I've mastered skills such as copywriting, website creation, 
design, automation, product development, and more.

I also had to spend thousands testing various types of traffic sources 
and optimizing the funnel I'd built.

And all this just to break even on the front end!

Yes, it was a extremely frustrating.

This is why when beginners ask me how to get started, I tell them 
to forget about building funnels and driving traffic.

There's an easier method that doesn't even involve affiliate offers.

Would you like to learn how?

Wishing YOU success,
, 69 SKYLINE DRIVE, 08830, Iselin, United States
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