Subject: It's OK to stop – But NOT to quit

Hi, It's Ray here.

I like to wish you a very Happy and safe Holidays.

I have an important message for you today.

It's OK To Stop... But it's Not a reason to Quit.

The other day I sat down at my computer to do some work on a project I've been working on.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get "into it."

Because I've felt this way before, I knew that one way I could potentially get "into" working is to just start --

Often, the act of starting gets you the momentum you need
to get into a state where things just flow.

But this time it wasn't working.

Instead, I started thinking about the enormity of the project I was working on.

Then, other thoughts started creeping into my head.
Frustrations about other aspects of the business...

Disappointments about some personal stuff...

Irritation that certain things weren't coming together like I wanted them to...

And overwhelmed because the previous week had been full of
me taking big swings and missing the ball completely.

I could tell that I wasn't in a place where I could be productive.

So, I stopped.

Despite having the time I needed and the physical ability 
to do what needed to be done, I just stopped.

I turned off my computer, went downstairs, grabbed the nearest 
distraction I could find.

I unplugged.

I know from experience that sometimes, it's just not “working” for me.
I know that when I try to do things when I'm out of alignment,
I end up creating a bigger mess and getting more even more frustrated....


In order to keep myself from getting to the point of wanting to quit completely...
I stopped.

Without judging myself - I happily sat on the couch and did nothing.

I said to myself: I know that sometimes we're not in alignment and that's OK. I also know that I can't force and when alignment finds its way back to me, I'll plug back in.

Do you ever get like that?

Where it all seems like it's too much and NOTHING seems to be working?
If so, welcome to the human race
I'm writing this as a way for you to not beat yourself up or start felling unproductive
or some nonsense like that... 

In other words, to give you permission to stop when this happens.

Not to quit completely (your dreams and goals are too important for you to quit),
but just to hit pause for a little bit.

You can't be 100% productive 100% of the time... no one can.

You don't have to be fully aligned and in the zone 100% of the time.

But what you do have to do is pay attention to when this starts to happen...

What you do have to do is pay attention when your body
 and your mind are telling you they need take a break and rest.

And what you do have to do is not judge yourself when this happens.

This illusive alignment will find its way back to you. And when it does, 
you'll be 100x's more productive than if you tried to force things.

As long as you don't give up.

Give God, The Universe, The Source, Nature or whoever/whatever
it is you believe in a moment to put things back in place,

so that you can be your own creative self again.
You will come back better than ever.

, 69 SKYLINE DRIVE, 08830, Iselin, United States
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