Subject: How soon can you expect to replace your job?


It's Ray here.

I find it super annoying when these big shot super affiliates suggest 
Facebook ads to newbies.

Whenever these "gurus" talk about their traffic sources and 
it's almost never FB ads. Why?

Because Facebook hates [and constantly bans] affiliates.

The only reason they keep suggesting FB is because it’s still 
the most mainstream and accepted by most. 

But when it comes to their own business,
these high flying super affiliates prefer a lesser known 
traffic source that's faster, easier to use, and more affordable.

If you're a struggling affiliate, I'm going to show you of the best that you can use.

It took me 42 months to get my first check from affiliate marketing and 
at least a year after that to replace my two jobs with my online income.

So that's at least 54 months [4 and a half YEARS!].

Yes, it took me a long time but what was I supposed to do? I had 
no guidance and was figuring a lot of things on my own.

What about you though?

If you dislike your job and you wish to have the luxury of quitting whenever 
you want or, doing something you like to do, how fast can you reach that point?

First of all, there's no set time frame for this.

Anyone who says you can quit in X amount of days, is lying and has
 no idea what the heck they're talking about.

But, there are two check points that, once you reach them,
 you're very close to hitting your goal:

1. Generating quality traffic

2. Generating that traffic at will

How long till you reach those 2 points is what defines how long 
you have to wait before you replace your income.

And if you're confused about traffic sources?

  [Watch this special training right here]

It doesn’t ban us like Facebook or Google (as you probably know, 
these 2 traffic sources no longer work for us)

It's automated so you can forget about becoming a content-producing machine 
AND it requires minimal copywriting skills.
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