Subject: Hidden traffic agenda of social media platforms


It's Ray here.

Newbies always ask me how they can get free targeted traffic to their offers.

Free traffic is considered a myth in 2021... But only for the people 
looking at the traditional methods that were used the past. 

Long gone are the days where you could write a post on Facebook, Instagram,
or Linkedin and get loads of targeted visitors to your links.

Yes, that WAS the way it used to be.

But social media platforms all had a hidden agenda.

You see, the big platforms make all their money by building a 
data base of millions of people and eventually charging you to reach them.

In the beginning, they let you enjoy amazing reach and build a giant following easily.

Then, they pull the rug out from under your feet, lowering your reach 
(mark my words, this will eventually happen with TikTok soon too).

Before you know it, only 1/100th or 1/1,000th of your audience sees your posts.

And if you want to improve the percentage? You gotta shell out your 
hard-earned dollars.

So don't waste your time looking for those types of free traffic methods.

Instead, pick up a traffic source that you can control.

I refuse to let the social media giants profit from my hard work.

That's why I love the traffic source theat I use now.. 

I've managed to create an asset that nobody can take away from me, 
nor tell me how much of it I'm allowed to use.

If what I say resonates with you...

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