Subject: Going viral & staying broke


It's Ray here.

I wish I could say I'm special, but the truth is I am not.

I'm just doing one tiny thing differently: 

I tap into a high converting traffic source 
most people know nothing about.

It's not Facebook, Google, Instagram or any of those in fact...
 Not any paid traffic at all.

And the best part is, I don't even have to create any content, ever.

It's so easy to drive visitors that converts it sometimes feels like I'm cheating.

But, keep an open mind because I'm about to share what I do with you.

In 2018 I created a program a campaign that I expected would make 
at least a $100,000 or more... From just 1 campaign.

I shot a video and posted it on my Facebook page.

People liked it, commented on it, and shared it.

It started to catch on and began going viral fast.

I drove over 10,000 clicks to the sales page, without doing much of anything, working hard or paying Facebook a single penny.

Want to guess how much I made?

Zero... NOTHING!

10,000+ people checked it out but not one of them was interested enough to buy.

I already knew that "going viral" didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, 
but I was glad I experienced for myself how useless the whole idea was.

Now, why did this happen?

It's simple.

Just because something goes viral, it doesn't mean it will automatically 
get you conversions.

People who check out your post, video, article, or page aren't necessarily 
in a buying mood. They're in a "let's see what the buzz is all about" mood.

That's OK if you live on a planet where you can pay your bills with 
“likes” and “shares.”

But if you live on planet Earth, you should only care about conversions and sales.

That's why I'm sharing with you:

  [On-demand traffic training]

What I won't be showing you is how how to make any piece of content become viral.

I've been quietly using this same traffic source to become a top affiliate 
and generate 5 figures a month.

If you like the idea of NOT working hard and getting paid for setting up a 
few simple campaigns each month...
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