Subject: EZ150club Team Traffic Training – Part 2

In yesterdays Team Traffic Training -Part 1 we talked about paid traffic.

In today's session our focus will be on how Free Traffic works, 
ways to get it and how free traffic works together with paid traffic... 

The combination provides an endless flood of traffic and sales to your offers.


I am often asked, “what is the best free traffic platform to use?”

My answer is always the same.. 

It doesn't matter which traffic platform you use as long as you do it consistently.

If you like Facebook groups, then do Facebook groups..

If you like posting on Twitter or Pinterest, great! Then post to Twitter or Pinterest.

If posting on Quora or Forums is your thing then go for it.. 

Just choose your platform and stick with it.

The one caveat is; 
Whichever you choose, you MUST do it consistently!

If you want to see real results from your efforts.. that means posting daily.

If you post for a few days and then stop, it's doubtful you will see anything.

Posting, especially on social media platforms does work 
[it works for so many people],

But, consistency is the key that starts the wheels turning. 
When you stop posting the wheel simply stops turning.

It doesn't matter how many followers you have initially, that number will grow.

It doesn't matter if you're not good at posting content, graphics or even videos, 
you will get better at it.


  » Facebook

  » Pinterest

  » Twitter

  » Forums

  » Quora

  » LinkedIn

  » Youtube

  » Instagram

  » Tumblr

  » Reddit

And the list goes on.. but, again it is important NOT to choose 

4, 5 or 6 of these.. choosing multiple platforms will not get you more exposure.

It just means that you will not be laser focused on any one thing and 
therefore you will suck at the ones you do.

It's more important to master [to know the ins & outs] of the platform you choose to use better than anyone else.. 

And believe me, if you commit to this daily, in 90 days time you will know
that particular platform better than 99% of the people that use it.

And what you will get is a constant flood of targeted free traffic because of it.

Don't let anyone tell you differently.


The keys to getting free traffic that no one ever tells you is, it takes work... at least initially.. But if you put in the small amount of effort that's required, the results can be

     >>> Here's a free traffic shortcut you can use 

Targeting one single free traffic method takes very little time.. 
and it allows you to do it better than anyone else.

The secret is consistency and laser focus.

If you need to go back and review these last two traffic session 
(yesterday's and today's), it can only help to cement the concepts 
I've used to explode my own affiliate business in the last few years.

I hope this helps.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at:

Wishing you the very best of luck,

P.S. Please allow for response time as I answer all questions personally.
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