Subject: EZ150CLUB Team Traffic Training – Part 1

The number one job of every successful affiliate marketer is:

Getting continuous, targeted, buyer traffic..

Without Traffic, NOTHING HAPPENS!

So, how do highly successful [highly paid] affiliates do it?

The key to successful affiliate marketing IS “Marketing.”

  The simplest way is to to buy it.

By this I don't mean buying any kind of traffic or worse, 
buying whatever cheap clicks you can. 

You can't expect that sending 30 clicks to any offer will produce 
anything besides disappointment.

In addition, cheap traffic is usually cheap for a reason. 
If a traffic source was good it wouldn't be cheap.

Action Step: Buy the highest quality traffic you can that fits your budget.. 

Whatever it is – Be consistent.

It is this lack of consistency that causes so many affiliates to give up.

They send a bunch of clicks to an opt-in page and offer, 
They get a few sign ups but no sales...
Then say to themselves, “this doesn't work!”

It is always the consistent effort that will produce the desired results.


A person wanted to lose weight and decides to accomplish his weight loss goals 
by  going to go to the gym and work out.

 He goes to the gym on the 1st day, but doesn't lose weight..

Does he tell himself going to the gym doesn't work? 

If he goes everyday for 5 days straight and only loses 1 LB, 
does it mean that working out at the gym doesn't work?

Clearly it doesn't, unless he keeps going.. 

It is a certainty that if he kept going to the gym for 30 consecutive days 
that he WOULD lose weight.. wouldn't you agree?

Weight Loss & Affiliate Marketing

Weight loss and affiliate marketing are the same in this respect.

There is not a clear cut action and reaction. By this I mean neither of these two activities happen in a straight line. 

It is consistency that produces results..

If you decide to use Solo Ads (renting other people's list to send offers to), 
then you must do it on a regular and unwavering schedule.

    >>> Click for top solo ads

[and yes, I use solo ads every week]

It is this kind of consistent action that produces the results you want.

Tomorrow we will be covering the Free Traffic 
approach and how to make this work for you. 

Free Traffic Training Part 2 -Nov. 18

Till then..

If you have any questions, you can contact me at:

note:  Please use [ez150club traffic] in the subject line


P.S. Please allow for response time as I answer all questions personally.
, 69 SKYLINE DRIVE, 08830, Iselin, United States
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