Subject: Do you need a list to become a super affiliate?


It's Ray.

I experienced my first big win as an affiliate in 2012.

I had a list of 2,200 people and was mailing it daily.

I was making a few commissions here and there but nothing impressive.

Then, Dan Brock announced his Deadbeat
Super Affiliate program.

It sold for $77 and paid 75% funnel-wide.

I knew my chances of success were slim.

I was going against people with huge budgets for paid traffic, others who were driving 1,000s of visitors daily with blogging and social media, and even some list owners with 10X my subs.

I had every excuse to stay out of the launch.

But I'm stubborn and wanted to give it a shot.

To cut a long story short,  I made 17 commissions on the first day.

I knew I was up to something so I kept pushing till the end of the launch.

I finished 13th out of 20 and got myself on a leaderboard.

So in 5 days, I've made more than what my friends
made in a month.

I proved this "internet thing" was real.

When I look back, it's clear my list was a big part of my success.

But that's not the entire story.

You see, I had built it using a different method than most people.

It's perfect if you're on a budget and need to 

recoup your investment spend fast.

AND, You don't need a PhD in rocket science to use it.

It relies entirely on a free traffic source that's just not available to most

[but as you'll discover, it can be available to you].


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