Subject: Didn't you work today?


It's Ray here.

That's what I get asked more times than I can remember.

You see, whenever I run into friends or family, they always ask me;

“Ray, didn't you work today?”

Or maybe they’ll say;

“Did you call in sick today? What's up with that?”

They ask because the type of schedule I have is normally for 
stay-at-home moms or retirees.

But let’s take a step back and think for a second.

Most people have that mindset.

It’s just the way they've been programmed to think.

It’s a train of thought that’s been passed down from generation to generation.

During the day, we are supposed to be “hard at work” making a living.

They tell us we have to do this for 40 hours a week…

For 40 years of our lives…

To retire on 40% of our income…

Thus, the 40/40/40 plan.

It just doesn’t make sense to people when they see someone like us 
going in a completely different direction.

In fact, some times they'll look at us with envy.

They will question how we do it, because they just can’t conceive of it.

Things don’t have to be that way though.

Whenever someone sparks a conversation, I simply tell them I’m an
 internet marketer.

And if they are REALLY interested, I just introduce them to the remarkable
program that has gotten me to this point.

Maybe you’re at the point where people are asking YOU what you do for a living.

If not, here’s how you can get the ball rolling.

      >> Go here now

Wishing YOU success,

, 69 SKYLINE DRIVE, 08830, Iselin, United States
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