Subject: Cautionary dog tale

An old man and his dog are sitting on the porch.

The dog is howling in pain.

The man's neighbor approaches him a few minutes later and asks the old man 
if his dog is okay.

The old man responds, "No he's not... He's sitting on a nail."

The bewildered neighbor looks confused and asks the old man, "Why doesn't the dog get up and move?"

The old man sips on his coffee, takes a moment to ponder and responds,
"It doesn't hurt bad enough for him to move.. yet!"

Now you can argue that this is a parable about our nature as humans.
Meaning, we won't do something that's beneficial for us, unless we're really suffering.

However, for me it's a cautionary tale to not behave like the dog in the first place!

Why wait until you're in any kind of pain before acting?

I've also noticed that when under stress, our decision making ability quickly
goes down the drain.

Instead of making smart choices, we behave stupidly.

[stress inhibits out ability to act rationally]

That goes double with anything related to business decisions 
[in particular affiliate marketing],
Since you might end up getting fooled by people who have no idea 
what they're talking about.

It's the main reason I decided to make Elite Commission Pro available..

I use it daily to make as much as $547 in an afternoon.

I figured it's the push you'll need to not stay in pain.

But you have to hurry.

      [Access Elite Commission Pro here]


P.S. Recent events have made it clear how important it is to have your own,
home-based business that can make money in any economy.
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