“How to start a blog” is still one of the most searched keywords on Google, but blogging has long been dead... 

I know very few blogger's who are actually making anything from their blog. It’s great if you want to do it for fun to tell the world about your "passion project," 

but if you want to make real money online, then you need a real business plan.

1. Blogging - when a famous Australian blogger, Yaro Starak, wrote a book about blogging, the whole idea of sharing your thoughts on a topic with the rest of the world, claimed it’s rise to fame. And then it became ineffective just as quickly.

There's simply are too many moving parts that must be mastered ( not the least of these being massive traffic) for the average person to master to make it work that way.

Blogs are useful sources of information, but bad sources of income for their owners.
It’s great if you want to keep busy... Just a really bad way to making a living. 

2. Dropshipping - on the surface this may seem like a valid business model. But the revenue doesn’t tell the whole story. Case in point:

I recently received a request for some consulting who sold $160,000 worth of face masks in 8 weeks through dropshipping on Amazon. He urgently wanted to get out of Dropshipping as fast as he can. He hated working with the clients, the suppliers, Amazon and the whole thing is causing more stress than it was worth.

Based on what I learned from him and people like him, the reality of running a dropshipping business IS the most stressfilled business you can choose to run online.. and the me, that's NOT what the laptop lifestyle is all about.

Frankly, it seems like there are only two types of people who truly prophit from it:

1) people who teach others how to do it and..

2) people who sell their dropshipping stores once they reach significant revenue 
(not profit).

There’s a whole slew of problems like suppliers who miss deadlines or manufacture poor quality merchandise, shipping costs, shipping times, customer complaints and refunds, fees of all sorts, regulations and much more.

This is NOT a lifestyle business.. It’s a gruelling, complicated costly bussiness modal. 

3. Being an influencer - social media platforms gave everyone a voice. Suddenly, your brother in law’s deadbeat son is an influencer (or so he says). 

Holding a smartphone in front of your face and spitting out anything that comes to mind about a hot topic is now considered a business.

The only way to be a true influencer is to have a massive audience of people who actually trust what you say and want to listen to you. Plus, it helps if they aren’t freebie seekers just eavesdropping on your posts out of boredom.

Then it can be somewhat of a business.. but, even that doesn’t guarantee an income.


By definition, a laptop lifestyle business should be easy to manage, should take less than 10 hours a week, should not require 10,000 hours to master a skillset and should have a ZERO entry barrier... so anyone can do it.

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