Subject: Are they lying about their earnings?

I got exposed to affiliate marketing through a 1-page site that showed a guy typing away on his laptop while laying in a hammock in swim shorts and Hawaiian shirt.

He looked like Matthew McConaughey..

I never questioned anything he said on the site.

I believed every word.

So I followed his lead and dove into this industry.

But after several months of struggling, I started questioning everything.

Are the earnings real?

Could they lying about their earnings?

Are they telling the truth about how they really make sales?

Are they just trying to sell me stuff or are they really trying to help me?

Unfortunately there was no way of knowing without trying it out for myself.

I’m grateful I’ve had the unusual motivation to continue working at it, because 9 times out of 10 – it was B.S.

This wasn’t enough to stop me though.

And so I swore if/when I finally make it, I would not fake it.

I will be straight with my students.

I will tell it like it is.

I will show them how I do it, exactly as I do it.

     >> Here's how I do it <<

Wishing you success,

, 69 SKYLINE DRIVE, 08830, Iselin, United States
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