Subject: 7 mistakes I would avoid if I was starting over in affiliate marketing


It's Ray here.

The first thing I want to say is...


Despite what you read online, you should never, ever send your traffic 
directly to your affiliate links.

It doesn't matter if you use articles, videos, podcasts, paid ads, forums, 
Reddit, Quora, Facebook, native ads or Instagram.

“Direct linking” doesn’t work. I learned it the hard way, after trying 
to direct link for years.
Then I tried something else that launched my business to near super affiliate status.

I don't regret much, but I would probably avoid a few mistakes 
if I was starting over today.

They are:

  > Direct linking (aka, sending visitors directly to an affiliate offer).

  > Pumping an article a day, 7 days a week. I was even writing while visiting 
my dying relative to the hospital and it was a colossal waste of my time
 (plus, I felt like a horrible person).

  > Picking the offers I liked, not necessarily the ones that will convert.

  > Building multiple websites (I had so many at one point
I couldn't keep track of them all).

  > Trying to persuade friends, family, and people I didn't know 
that they needed what I was promoting... 

Instead of finding people who desperately needed the programs I was offering.

  > Relying on my work ethic instead of relying on systems from day 1.

  > Trying to be everywhere, instead choosing one traffic source that converts
and that I could control.

  > Spending all that time learning designing and coding (you can generate 
6 figs online easily, without worrying about colors or HTML codes).

There are probably a few that I'm forgetting, but you get the idea.

In my 12+ years online, I've found out that success is a byproduct of not 
just what you do, but (even more importantly)

 what you do not do [wasting time, effort & money].

I've given you a great list of what to avoid and I hope it helps.    

Focus on the  #1 traffic source that YOU can control


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