Subject: 4 FREE traffic sources that always DISAPPOINT affiliates

Nothing you do online will work without traffic..

When I was starting out with affiliate marketing, I spent a LOT of time trying to find the right traffic method for myself.

I tried launch sniping

that's the one where you build a brand new Wordpress site and rank it for a review keyword. Ideally, you should get free buyer traffic this way. In reality, I was ranking against thousands of competitors who did the same thing. So I got nowhere. I think I made like $41 doing launch sniping.

I tried Article Directories

This one consists of writing around 800 word articles and manually submitting them to 10 different article directories. By placing a link at the bottom of each article I assumed it would eventually have a snowball effect of sending a flood of free traffic to my blog pages and affiliate offers.. I was wrong.

I then tried forum marketing

that's the one where you create a signature file with a link to an affiliate offer and then go around forums commenting with helpful information (even if all you do is just Google stuff for other people) and hope they click on your signature link because of how helpful you are. I wasted a lot of time before I figured out it doesn't work.

Then I tried social media marketing

that's the one where you add a bunch of people on Facebook every day and then try to help them with something. It involved a lot of "friending," "liking" and "commenting." It didn't make me any money though. Not one sale after 3 months of (mind-numbing) daily work.

Going through this learning curve taught me that successful affiliate marketing isn't about hard work or persistence.


I could argue that I was very persistent. Between these 4 traffic strategies, I've invested about 18 months of my life of daily persistent diligent effort into my affiliate business with nothing to show for it.

It was an 18 month long education course that taught me - hard work doesn't help if you're working on the wrong plan.

Surprisingly, when I changed my approach to one where I was working smart and not hard, where I had true leverage - that's when things took off really fast.

I turned into an "overnight" affiliate marketing success and I wasn't working all that hard to be honest.

If you're working hard, without seeing results, it's time you did the same.


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