Subject: Top business news

Tax declaration: what you should have in mind

Tax declaration for 2020 - don´t miss the deadline!

Hi Friend

 this time it´s all about the tax declaration. The deadline for your tax declaration for the year 2020 is the 31st of July 2021.

If you would like to get it done by a tax advisor the deadline extends to the 31st of December 2021.

Don´t forget about our community meeting

on the 17th of June at 7 pm.

Sign up latest until 14th of June at 2 pm.

Tax for businesses:

Depending on your legal form and your profit you will need to have a tax advisor to get your balance sheet created. But also if you don´t need to get a balance sheet it could be helpful to consult a tax advisor. For example, you will have several income types if you started your business during the year 2020. Also, special expenses and extra costs from your founding might be tax-deductible.

Private tax:

But also if you´re still employed it will be helpful for you to get in touch with a tax advisor because the German government changed some regulations regarding cost from the home office.

As tax advisors are still very busy because of the corona-support payments through the government, we would recommend you to take action in the next few days. If you don´t have one, don´t forget one of our experts is a tax advisor.

Community meeting on the 17th of June at 7 pm

sign up latest until 14th of June at 2 pm

Best wishes

Birgit Heidenreich

Founder Expat Business Club

& Expat Business Consultant

CBC Companies & Business Consultancy Ltd.

69 Great Hampton Street
Birmingham, West Midlands
United Kingdom B18 6EW

Director: Birgit Heidenreich, Irmgard Heidenreich

Phone: +49(0)89 – 3260 12 13

Registered in England and Wales Company Nr. 5140023

CBC Companies & Business Consultancy Ltd. – Subsidiary Germany

Ilzweg 1
82140 Olching

Director: Birgit Heidenreich, Irmgard Heidenreich

Phone: +49(0)89 – 3260 12 13

Handelsregister-Nr.: Registergericht München HRB 187563

Vat-ID: DE240444858

Responsible under § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Birgit Heidenreich und Irmgard Heidenreich, Ilzweg 1, 82140 Olching, Germany

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