Subject: Start your business year 2022 successfully!

What are you waiting for?

Start 2022 successfully!

Hi Friend

it´s important to work on your business and not just in your business. One of the key factors to increase your success is having a great network. Take your chance and extend your network by joining

our upcoming networking event on the 18th of Jan. at 7 pm.

We´re looking forward to welcoming you!

Best wishes

Birgit Heidenreich

Founder Expat Business Club

& Expat Business Consultant

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Birgit Heidenreich Business Consulting

Ilzweg 1
82140 Olching

Phone: +49(0)89 – 3260 12 13

Vat-ID: DE348138898

Responsible under § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Birgit Heidenreich Ilzweg 1, 82140 Olching, Germany

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