Subject: Simplify your start as an expat freelancer in Germany

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Great, that you got yourself the download

"Starting a business in Germany - 10 things you should know as an expat".

If you wish to start your business and need some support, I would like to invite you to book your free consultation session. In this session, you can share your plans and you can find out how we can support you best!

Free consultation session

I´m looking forward to talking to you!


Birgit Heidenreich

Founder Expat Business Club

& Expat Business Consultant

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Birgit Heidenreich Business Consulting

Ilzweg 1
82140 Olching

Phone: +49(0)89 – 3260 12 13

Vat-ID: DE348138898

Responsible under § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Birgit Heidenreich Ilzweg 1, 82140 Olching, Germany

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