Subject: Draw up your business strategy and set the course for success!

Free Mastermind Workshop 28th of April at 8pm

Hi Friend

When setting up a business the first you´ll have in mind is getting started and quickly finding the first clients, right? But did you know, that your business will not succeed even if you have a brilliant business idea that offers your clients a high-level value if your business model is not all set?  

We´ll host a free online Mastermind Workshop on the 28th of April at 8 pm CET where you´ll learn what it needs to create your rock-solid business foundation and you´ll also directly start creating it!

Also, don´t forget about our monthly online networking event. You´ll find the link below.

We´re looking forward to welcoming you!

Virtual Networking Event on the 26th of April at7 pm

Exchange ideas and get to know other soon-to-be Entrepreneurs!

Best wishes

Birgit Heidenreich

Founder Expat Business Club

& Expat Business Consultant

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Birgit Heidenreich Business Consulting

Ilzweg 1
82140 Olching

Phone: +49(0)89 – 3260 12 13

Vat-ID: DE348138898

Responsible under § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Birgit Heidenreich Ilzweg 1, 82140 Olching, Germany

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