Subject: Friend, three short things- new grandbaby, today's workshop, and NaNoWriMo

Everyday Education: Making time for things that matter.



38 October 2010

Dear Friend,

Only three quick things today!

Imogen VioletFirst, I just have to share the news of the new addition to our family-- Imogen Violet Campbell. She's our first grandbaby, and she was born on Monday to our son Taylor and his wife, Anya. We're so thankful for her safe arrival, and we can't stop marveling over her beauty and sweetness. She was 8#, 20". You can see a couple more photos of Immy and her parents at the blog:

Second, I'll be speaking today at Felice Gerwitz's preview of the Ultimate Homeschool Expo. The theme for the conference is spiritually focused, and I'll be speaking on Multiple Streams of Income for Homeschool Families. It's all online, and there are a lot of nice giveaways, many of them holiday-themed. My talk is at 2:00 p.m. EDT-- I hope you can make it!

Third, it's almost time once again for National Novel Writing Month ( If you want to participate, just write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. It will be just a rough draft, of course, but it's a wonderful way to sharpen writing skills and create a solid habit of writing for an hour or two every day. If you have a student who loves to write, this can be a lot of fun. 

I hope you're having a wonderful autumn!


Janice Campbell