Subject: Friend, it's Great Books Week! Come blog with us...
Dear Friend,I'd like to invite you to participate in a Blog Tour in honor of Great Books Week which is October 4-10, 2009. There are special blog topics for each day, and you're invited to write a post and link back to the NAIWE NewsWire blog so that others can find your post. This holiday is jointly sponsored by Excellence in Literature and the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors.
Here’s the schedule of topics:
Monday: If I were stranded alone on a deserted island with only seven books to read over the next few years, I would like to have…
Tuesday: When I was a child, my favorite book was… because….
Wednesday: I’d write my autobiography, but I don’t need to, because my story has already been told in… [what classic book?]
Thursday: I hated … when I had to read it in high school, but when I read it on my own later, I loved it because….
Friday: When I want to give someone a special gift, I give them [name of book] because…
Here's the introductory post:
Here's the Facebook Event page:
There will be a daily post with each topic so that you can leave your name and link in the comment section for the appropriate topic. I encourage you to share this invitation with other book lovers, and post it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Let's make it a big celebration!
Janice Campbell
P.S. I will be away from my desk this week, but will check e-mail as often as possible (don't know how much internet access I'll have). If you have a need, I'll definitely get back with you-- it just may not be as quickly as usual.