Subject: Friend, a status report on Levels 2&5 of Excellence in Literature

Dear Friend,   

If you've been waiting on the second or fifth levels of Excellence in Literature, I just wanted to let you know where the project stands at this moment.

I've had to outsource the link-checking and layout portions of E2 and E5 because as soon as I got going on them, my shoulder started to go out and my husband said "not again!!" I've finally found an editor this week who is willing to tackle it, and she has begun work. If all goes as planned, I should have it back in a couple of weeks. After that, I will need to go through and finalize a few details in each unit and it will be done.

Meanwhile, for those who have pre-ordered and are working through unit 1 of E5, I planned to get unit 2 back from the editor so I could add the final bits and send it out. For those of you who are ready to begin E2, I planned to do the same for Unit 1. I set up the pre-order page for E5 so that anyone who pre-orders the book will be able to download unit 1 right from the page, and as soon as I have unit 2 in hand, I'll add that as well. I plan to do the same for E2.

However, Robert Burns was right: the best laid plan of mice and men often go awry! I was unable to connect with the editor before she left for the weekend, so was unable to get that done. Everything is complicated by the fact that I leave at the crack of dawn on Monday on a business trip and will be gone for a week, during which I know I won't be able to do anything with the units

Thus, Plan B. Here is what you can do to start your next unit and stay on track:

E2: Begin reading Robinson Crusoe, and look up Daniel DeFoe in an encyclopedia or online. Fill out the author profile by the end of week 1. Continue reading, and at this point, I should be back and be able to get the rest of the unit to you.

E5: Begin reading Antigone, and look up Sophocles and Greek tragedy in an encyclopedia or online. Fill out the author profile by the end of week 1. Continue reading, and at this point, I should be back and be able to get the rest of the unit to you.

I'm dreadfully sorry for the delay. I didn't see foresee the shoulder thing at all. It has been almost perfect since I got the office reconfigured with new desk and keyboard, and I didn't realize that the previous difficulty was so closely tied to the series of movements involved in link checking and layout, but as I look back, I realize that both previous times of difficulty came as I completed the previous units. Since the "outage" (as my husband calls it) lasted 3-6 months each of the previous times, it's really something to avoid!

Lord willing, everything will come together when I get back and the editor and I will be able to press forward and get it to you very quickly. I thank you so much for your patience. It's rather humbling to realize how little control we actually have over anything!


Janice Campbell