Subject: Friend, a snowbound newsletter; and how I chose the books for Excellence in Literature

10 February 2010

In this issue:

  • News
  • Invitation to Write for the Website
  • In Answer to a Question: How I Chose Great Books for Excellence in Literature
  • Recipe

Dear Friend,

Snow 2010We're snowed in once again, and it's windy. Power has flickered on and off this morning, so I'm going to write fast and hope I can get this to you before we lose our electricity.

If you're in a similar place, I hope you're staying dry and warm. When power is out, it's a good opportunity to catch up on reading or household projects that don't require electricity. Cooking on the wood stove can be seen as an interesting experiment as long as it doesn't last too long! One of our favorite one-pot things to cook is burrito meat, and I'll share the "recipe" below. You may enjoy it!

Literature and Composition (English 2) is still progressing, but much more slowly now that the holiday quiet is passed. My desk is loaded, teetering, and about to collapse from the weight of all the projects in process, and my inbox is unspeakably full (if you've written and I haven't responded within 24 hours, please send the e-mail again-- so much comes in that I worry about missing things).


Janice Campbell


Here's where I'll be in the next few weeks. I'd love to see you at a workshop!

South Richmond, VA Workshops: Monday, February 15, 2010

Conquer the Test! SAT* Prep Workshop 11am-12:30pm- Click here to sign up.

Homeschooling Through High School- 7 pm

The SAT Workshop will be held at Faith Baptist Church 1226 W. Roslyn Rd, Colonial Heights, VA 23834, near the mall.  The evening class will be Colonial Heights Baptist Church, room C123 downstairs.

Fairfax, VA Workshops: Saturday, March 6, 2010

Conquer the Test! SAT* Prep Workshop

Sovereign Grace Church
5200 Ox Road, Fairfax, VA 22030
Contact: Susan Thorson or 703-803-6770

Invitation to Write for the Everyday Education Website

*Note: This announcement is a re-run from the previous newsletter. We've received an excellent article on budgeting, You Need A Budget! by Lori in Washington, and have another to post as soon as possible. You may read it in the Money section of the website.

One of the things I want to do in 2010 is to expand the website to embrace more of the learning areas I believe to be important. For this purpose, we've created a new section on the Everyday Education website, and it's called "Life Management." It's designed to encompass all those things  that round out a learning lifestyle, including:

    * Home
    * Garden
    * Time
    * Money
    * Meals
    * Weight
    * Clothing
    * Travel
    * Arts and Crafts
    * Caregiving

I have many articles I want to write for this section, but I know that there is a great deal of accumlated wisdom and knowlege among my readers. I'd like to offer you and your older students the opportunity to contribute articles, recipes, patterns, book reviews, or other helpful information to the Life Management section. Think of things that would be helpful to others and are in keeping with home and family values, and submit them, following the guidelines below. We'll publish as many items as possible.

Submission Guidelines

Articles can be of any length, but I ask that they be spell-checked and proofread before submission. Please submit in .rtf or plain text format, or even pasted into an e-mail message. Please do not submit anything in Microsoft Word. Format should be web-style, with a space between paragraphs, rather than an indention. As always, there should be only one space after each sentence.

If you would like to submit a photo with your article, recipe, pattern, book review, or other submission, please save it as a .jpeg or .gif and attach it to your e-mail submission. At the end of each submission, please include a brief bio of yourself with a link to your blog or website if you have one, and if you like, a small photo. As a sample, here's the bio I include at the end of my articles:

Janice Campbell homeschooled her four sons from preschool into college. She is the author of Transcripts Made Easy, Get a Jump Start on College, and Evaluate Writing the Easy Way, as well as the Excellence in Literature curriculum for grades 8-12. Be sure to visit her website,, to get a free writing evaluation rubric and sign up for her free, twice-monthly e-zine.

How I Chose Great Books for Excellence in Literature

Note: This article is long, so I posted it on the blog, where you can read and comment on it. I didn't want to overfill your inbox!

Old booksI often get questions on how I chose the books that are included in the Excellence in Literature curriculum, so I thought I’d address it today. It may help you decide whether or not this is the right curriculum for your family.

There were many factors that went into my choice of books, but I considered the following questions to be most important as I selected what to include. Read more...

Burrito Meat

This is one of those non-recipes in which you throw in stuff and season to taste. It's good for simmering all day, and my boys love it and will enjoy it for days.

  • Pork butt or other large hunk of meat or huge family pack of stew beef
  • Medium or large onion, chopped and sauteed
  • 1-2 cans of diced tomatoes with green chilis
  • 1-2 cans refried beans
  • Salt, pepper, cumin, cilantro, red pepper flakes, and a small dash of allspice

Place all ingredients in large crockpot and cook all day. Meat should be fork-tender and well-seasoned. Add more stuff as necessary. Cook on woodstove if power goes out. Enjoy!

I hope you've enjoyed this edition of the e-zine. Please feel free to share it in its entirety with others, and invite them to subscribe.



(c) 2010 Everyday Education, LLC