Subject: Friend, World Lit Shipping; Invitation to Write; Purposeful Planning

6 January 2010

In this issue:

  • World Literature (E5), Lit and Comp (E2), and website news
  • Invitation to Write for the Website
  • Purposeful Planning

Dear Friend,

World Literature: EIL5For all of you who have waited so patiently for World Literature, the books just arrived from the printer. We will be packaging and shipping this afternoon! If you pre-ordered World Lit, please e-mail me (at this e-mail address) and confirm your shipping address. I know that at least one person has had an address change in the last month, and I want to be sure they all get to their destinations safely.

Literature and Composition (English 2) has reached the point where I think it will be about 10 more working days to have it complete and on the site. I'm so thankful for extra time over the holidays to push through to the final stage, and I'm looking forward to getting it into your hands. Please pray that my shoulder will continue to hold up during this last phase.

We've been working on the website a bit, and have tried to make the navigation clearer. We've also added a special search box that will allow you to search the Everyday Education site and my blog, as well as a few other related homeschool sites, all in one search. I hope you'll find that helpful.

Be sure to notice the invitation (below) for you or your student to contribute to our new website sections. Finally, we are working to develop the separate site for Excellence in Literature, so that you can have it as a full-color web-book as well as the current print and e-book options. I think it will be a busy year!

I hope you enjoy the review of Purposeful Planning!


Janice Campbell

P.S. If you pre-ordered World Lit, please remember to e-mail me as soon as possible with your current shipping address so that I can get it right out to you.

Invitation to Write for the Everyday Education Website

One of the things I want to do in 2010 is to expand the website to embrace more of the learning areas I believe to be important. For this purpose, we've created a new section on the Everyday Education website, and it's called "Life Management." It's designed to encompass all those things  that round out a learning lifestyle, including:

    * Home
    * Garden
    * Time
    * Money
    * Meals
    * Weight
    * Clothing
    * Travel
    * Arts and Crafts
    * Caregiving

I have many articles I want to write for this section, but I know that there is a great deal of accumlated wisdom and knowlege among my readers. I'd like to offer you and your older students the opportunity to contribute articles, recipes, patterns, book reviews, or other helpful information to the Life Management section. Think of things that would be helpful to others and are in keeping with home and family values, and submit them, following the guidelines below. We'll publish as many items as possible.

Submission Guidelines

Articles can be of any length, but I ask that they be spell-checked and proofread before submission. Please submit in .rtf or plain text format, or even pasted into an e-mail message. Please do not submit anything in Microsoft Word. Format should be web-style, with a space between paragraphs, rather than an indention. As always, there should be only one space after each sentence.

If you would like to submit a photo with your article, recipe, pattern, book review, or other submission, please save it as a .jpeg or .gif and attach it to your e-mail submission. At the end of each submission, please include a brief bio of yourself with a link to your blog or website if you have one, and if you like, a small photo. As a sample, here's the bio I include at the end of my articles:

Janice Campbell homeschooled her four sons from preschool into college. She is the author of Transcripts Made Easy, Get a Jump Start on College, and Evaluate Writing the Easy Way, as well as the Excellence in Literature curriculum for grades 8-12. Be sure to visit her website,, to get a free writing evaluation rubric and sign up for her free, twice-monthly e-zine.

Purposeful Planning

Several times a year, I like to sit down with my planner and look at what's coming up and how I can grow closer to my spiritual, mental, physical, business, and academic goals.

I especially enjoy looking ahead to the new year, considering priorities, and creating a fresh schedule to help our family juggle all that goes into our busy lives. This is the time of year when I like to re-read some of my personal planning favorites– Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, Marilyn Rockett’s Homeschooling at the Speed of Life, David Allen’s Getting Things Done, and others.

In 2007, I came across Purposeful Planning, a very different sort of planning guide– one written especially for families. Author Phyllis Sather shares the story of how she and her husband began taking short planning weekends together. As the years passed, they included their children, and the planning weekends have become a significant family tradition. 

Sather provides a detailed look at the benefits of planning together, and careful instructions for how to plan and schedule a similar weekend for your family. She covers ideas for keeping young children occupied, and for including older children, plus counsel on how to create an agenda, stick to a schedule, and listen respectfully to each other. She even includes things to plan for that I hadn’t thought of including in my own yearly plans! Sather’s ideas for planning together, rather than separately, seem certain to strengthen family relationships and create many good memories.

Purposeful Planning is written from a thoroughly Christian perspective. Sather emphasizes the enriched relationships and increased closeness that can result from this concentrated time of togetherness. Really, can you imagine anything better than spending a few days with the ones you love most, talking about things that really matter?

Purposeful Planning is a quick read, but it covers all the practical aspects of planning together with your family. It’s presented as an e-book, and can easily be printed two pages to a sheet. No matter what stage of life you’re in, I think you’ll find that Sather’s ideas will help your family grow in grace. You can find it at

I hope you've enjoyed this edition of the e-zine. Please feel free to share it in its entirety with others, and invite them to subscribe.

I wish you a joyous New Year!



(c) 2010 Everyday Education, LLC