Subject: Friend: Invitation to Words Matter Week 2010

Dear Friend,

Words Matter Week 2010 posterI just wanted to remind you that National Words Matter Week begins today, March 1. There are a number of ways you can celebrate, and many are posted on the host site at

Participate in the Blog Challenge!

One of the most interesting ways to celebrate is by participating in the blog challenge. If you write a post for each day's topic (a total of five posts, you'll be entered into a drawing for a $20 gift certificate. We'll announce the winner in the next issue of the newsletter. This challenge could be fun to do as a family-- I hope you enjoy it.

The blog prompt for Monday is: What is the most important word or words in your life? Why? Post a response on your blog, then visit the Words Matter Week blog (, and leave the title of your post and a link in the comment section of the challenge post. Here are the questions for each day:

What is the most important word or words in your life? Why?

Communication breaks down when words are misused. What is the funniest, most interesting, or worst break-down you've ever observed?

Writers are people who take isolated words and craft them into memorable phrases, stories, poems and plays. Who are the writers who make your heart sing? What is the magic ingredient?

If you had to eliminate one word or phrase from the English language, what would it be? Why?

What person in your life helped you understand the importance of choosing words carefully? What would you say to them if you met them today?

You can see my Monday post on the Taking Time for Things that Matter blog. I have to confess that I weaseled out of choosing just one or two words;-).You may also want to read last week's post, Are You Helpful or Nitpicking?

On the Words Matter host site, you'll find great quotes about words, suggested activities, and an opportunity to give books to needy children through First Book. You can also listen to the interviews we'll be doing each day with people who have devoted their lives to working with words. We're adding links and quotes all through the week, so visit often, and share the link:

Download the Poster

The poster (above) has a Mark Twain quote you'll appreciate, and the poster can be downloaded free from the website, and shared in any way you like, as long as you provide a link back to

Words Matter Week is sponsored by the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, along with Partner Sponsor, Photographer Blue, a new international directory of wedding and portrait photographers who believe that a picture is worth a thousand words.

I hope you enjoy Words Matter Week with your family.


Janice Campbell

Words Matter Week Bonus for Writers and Editors

New members who join NAIWE during Words Matter Week will receive two books as a special bonus: a copy of Silence, Language, & Society: A guide to style and meaning, grace and compassion by Robert Hartwell Fiske and a copy of NAIWE’s “How to Create Credibility as a Freelancer” tips booklet! It’s the perfect time to join the “professional association with a career-building difference.”