Subject: Friend, Invitation to Homeschool Superheroes free event

August 23, 2010

Dear Friend,

Just a quick note-- I wanted to pass on an invitation I received.

Would you like to listen in on some Homeschool Interviews? This would be
a very good way to start the school year!

Let me tell you about it...

This summer, my good friend Kerry Beck
is offering 2 weeks of homeschool interviews to get
your homeschool year off to the right start!  
I've been honored to be one of the guest
interview subjects, and we had a great conversation about teaching teens.

You can read a little more about it here:

Why is Kerry doing this?

She knows what it is like to be in the trenches as a homeschool mom.  
Sometimes you need a little encouragement or a few fun tricks from experienced
homeschoolers-- real homeschool parents who have real experience balancing
school, family, cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring.  

So, Kerry is hosting interviews of 13 experts in the
homeschooling community who have practical advice
for you to get started on the right foot this year.

-->> It's called Homeschool Super Heroes Week!

Actually, it begins today, and runs for the next two weeks. You'll be able to listen 
to the interviews each day for free.

All you have to do is register for Homeschool Super Heroes Week
and you will have access each day to practical tips & tricks for you to start
your year right.  

No traveling to your state convention.
No hotel expenses.  
No registration fees.

Here's where you can register:

Besides my interview, you can hear other homeschool "super heroes" (we really need costumes!).
You can see a complete listing of all the Homeschool Super Heroes and the topics
we will cover here:

Enjoy Homeschool Super Heroes Week!


P.S.  If you are part of a local homeschool group or co-op, feel free to forward
this email to them so they can listen to the interviews for free, also.