Subject: Friend, I'd welcome your posts and your feedback on the Planner cover options



Everyday Education: Making time for things that matter.


22 December 2010

  • Please send posts for Blog Carnival on December 28
  • Making Time for Things That Matter Life Planner- I need feedback on cover options, please!
  • Plan to Live Life on Purpose article (in case you missed it)

Dear Friend,

I hope you're having a joyous holiday season!

Here's a quick reminder that I'll be hosting the Carnival of Homeschooling at my Taking Time for Things that Matter blog. The theme will be goal-setting, planning, and making time for things that matter, so I hope that many of you will participate with wise time management tips or funny story about plans that almost worked, cautionary tales about overscheduling, or whatever you have that fits the theme.

You may submit your blog posts on the Blog Carnival submission form ( any time between December 21 and 27. Please submit on the form if at all possible. I get over 100 e-mails on most days, and it's easy to miss something! If you have something that's on your heart to share, and it's not on the topic, you may submit it anyway. I know that it will be a blessing to someone. 


Janice Campbell

Making Time for Things that Matter Life Planner

Coming soon!

Making Time for Things that Matter Life PlannerI've used a datebook or planner for many years, and often called it my "portable brain." I know that it's hard to stay focused on what really matters when you're beseiged by the tiny details of life, but a good planner makes it possible. It's hard to find the perfect planner, so I've been busy creating a new datebook that will help moms (including me!) manage life more efficiently while focusing on the things that really matter. 

Cover concept #2- Making Time PlannerIt's not quite finished, and the covers you see at left and right are "maybe" covers (do you have a preference?), but I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the year. It's undated, so you can begin it whenever you wish, but there's something nice about beginning a new planner at the start of a new year. 

Beyond the cover, I’d appreciate comments about what you’d like to see in the perfect planner, too. I’m including everything I’ve always wanted in a planning calendar, and we may as well make it comprehensive! So far I’ve included week- and month-at-a-glance pages, space for mapping your mission and goals for the coming year, project tracking and accountability, to-do and shopping list spaces, a day-map planning page, birthday and contact pages, space for packing and favorite meal lists, space for a “What We’re Learning This Year” overview, an emergency list, Grandma Ellen’s Housekeeping Schedule, and a bit more.

Cover concept #3- Making Time Planner

If there are any features you've been hoping to find in a perfect life planner, or if you have an opinion on the cover, please visit the blog post and leave a comment with your ideas. I don't want it to be overwhelming or bulky (it's 8.5 x 8" and spiral bound) because I want it to make life simpler, not more complex. I hope you'll enjoy it!

If you're receiving this in plain text and can't see the images, you'll find them posted at the blog,



Plan to Live Life on Purpose (In case you missed it...)

Warm and at peace...

Warm and at peace...As we approach the end of 2010, my thoughts turn toward the coming year. I like to spend some quiet time looking back at the year we’ve just lived– its joys and sorrows, its milestones and hurdles– and meditate on what I’ve learned, and where I need to go. As I think through these things, I begin planning for next year. Planning and setting goals helps me live life on purpose, making time for things that matter, rather than letting life just happen. . . (Read the rest of the article)

If you'd like to reprint this article in your newsletter, you can find my reprint guidelines at the blog.


(c) 2010 Everyday Education, LLC