Subject: Friend, I posted a sample Author Profile, there's a new EIL page on Facebook, and more...

Everyday Education: Making time for things that matter.



10 November 2010

Dear Friend,

Imogen Violet

I noticed that the last newsletter was dated 38 October-- one of the hazards of grammi-brain, perhaps? Thanks to those of you who kindly pointed it out, and also those of you who took a moment to appreciate our adorable new granddaughter, Imogen Violet. We're still amazed that she's here, and so cuddly and adorable. And she's a good baby, too!

Excellence in Literature: Author Profile Sample Posted

One of our Excellence in Literature users recently asked what an Author Profile is supposed to look like. I thought perhaps others might have the same question, so I posted an answer and a sample on the EIL Frequently Asked Questions page (scroll almost to the bottom).

If you haven't found and connected with the new Excellence in Literature page on Facebook, you might enjoy doing so. I'm hoping it will be a place where users can connect, and I plan to post useful things there as I learn more about what's possible. Please visit it and click "Like" so that you can be a part of the learning process.

Ultimate Homeschool Expo

I wanted to pass on an invitation to the 2010 Ultimate Homeschool Expo that starts tomorrow. It's going to be an amazing event with a lot of workshops and freebies from the speakers (I'll be speaking Friday on Making Time for Things that Matter, and I've included fun freebies and special prices on my speaker page within the members-only website). Here are the details:

"This seminar series is Christ focused with talks that will inspire and motivate you to prioritize, organize, and create lasting memories with your family. With 35+ speakers and 50 seminars this set is sure to become a keepsake for years to come. 

Each of the preview seminars are taped live yet in order to receive the full impact of the event a special, members only website is being created specifically for this event. Each of the audio presentations are recorded in mp3 format for ease of listening on your hand-held device or on your computer. Each live event includes an original presentation as well as door prizes and coupon discounts.

For a complete list of confirmed speakers visit the website and the updated schedule:

You are invited to this one of a kind event. As a special gift to you the speakers all participated in a Memory Keepsake for the holidays. Each speaker contributed a recipe and/or holiday tradition or memory to share with you! This wonderful book will be treasured and you will enjoy the wonderful heart felt well wishes from each of these speakers. 

The members-only website contains a grab bag full of product discounts from an array of speakers and sponsors as well as free eBooks, downloads, articles, presentation handouts and of course the audio seminar presentations from each of the featured guest speakers. These contain original productions created specifically for this event.

Please join your host, Felice Gerwitz and guests, for the first ever Fall event. . . and the fourth year of presentations from the Ultimate Homeschool Expo." Here's the link: Ultimate Homeschool Expo

National Novel Writing Month

Autumn path- where does it lead?Finally, National Novel Writing Month ( is here. You can still write 50,000 words by starting today and writing just 2500 a day, every day until the end of November. It's a great way to produce a quick first draft (because editing is almost always easier than writing). It's a great activity for students who love to write.

I hope you can get out and scuff through some crunchy leaves today. It's a gold and bronze world here today, and I want to go outside!


Janice Campbell