Subject: Friend: Here are the Great Books Week Blog Topics--there is still time to participate!

Dear Friend,

Great Books Week 2010 poster: You may download and use this image as long as you link back to

We had two queries about Great Books Week today, so I thought I'd share my answers with the list, just in case you were wondering the same thing.

One of the NAIWE members requested a complete list of the Great Books Week Blog Challenge topics, and a reader asked if he could still write on all the topics and be eligible for the Amazon gift certificate if he started late, so here's a quick note to answer both questions. 

The answer to the second question is "yes." All you need to do in order to be eligible is to write on each day's topic and then link back to its post on the Great Books Week blog at Look in the right sidebar of the blog to find the post for each topic (Days 4 and 5 will be uploaded on the correct day), and while you're at it, enjoy the quotes that are included in each post and on the blog. 

Here are the challenge questions:

Day 1: What book has had the greatest impact on your life? In what way?

Day 2: What makes a book great?

Day 3: What childhood book captured your imagination?

Day 4: What book or books do you read over and over?

Day 5: If you were stranded alone on a deserted island, what five books would you want?

We look forward to reading your thoughts on each of the challenge questions, and perhaps even adding to our own reading lists. Be sure to share your responses with your students, and encourage them to participate as well. It's a great way to start a discussion about books you love, why you love them, and what makes them great (or not).

We encourage you to share your posts and news of Great Books Week on Twitter, Delicious, Digg, and other social media forums. Thank you for participating!


Janice Campbell

P.S. If you are also on the mailing list for the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, you'll probably receive this message twice. Don't worry-- it's not a duplicate, and we rarely need to send the same message to both lists, so it won't happen often. But one question was from an Everyday Education/Excellence in Literature reader, and the other from a NAIWE member, so it seemed prudent to answer the questions in both places. 


(c) 2010 This news update is brought to you by Everyday Education, LLC / Excellence in Literature. Feel free to share it with your friends!