Subject: Friend Founding Father's Education, Resource Focus, Visit Janice at an event

The Everyday Educator
6 July 2012
In This Issue
  • Article from Blog
  • Resource focus EIL Introduction to Literature and Transcripts Made Easy
  • Plan a BTC Essay Workshop with Janice
  • Visit Janice in July at three locations

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."  ~Thomas Alva Edison

Dear Friend,
     I’ve been thinking lately about what is essential in education, and in honor of Independence Day, thought it might be interesting to take a look at the education of America’s founding fathers. What kind of study
produced a group of  men capable of conceiving a constitutional republic, bringing it to life, and guiding it through its formative years? What did they read that created minds attuned to freedom and the communication skills to impart the vision? Read more at
Resource Focus for the month of July

    Introduction to Literature is a college-preparatory literature and composition course. Focus works, including novels, short stories, poems, and drama, have been selected for literary quality, and for their place in the historical development of literature. Context readings provide background information about the author, the historical period, and the literary and artistic context of the focus work.
    Students will gain an understanding of the development of literature and will practice the skills of close literary analysis through essays, approach papers, and other evaluative writing. You may learn more about how I chose the literature for Excellence in Literature in this blog post.
Transcripts made Easy
You know the time is coming when your homeschooled teen will need a transcript. If you'd rather spend time with people than paperwork, Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler's Guide to High School Paperwork is written for you?  It's all you need to know about home school transcripts, high school diplomas, and simple record-keeping.  How do you count those extra curricular activities, honors credits, and dual enrollment?  Find out in this book.  No confusing software; create great looking transcripts with your current word processing software.
Are your students intimidated by the SAT* essay?  Unnerved at the thought of essay questions on college exams?
Don't Be!
Now Scheduling
Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshops
for Sept. and Dec. 2012,
                                        Jan. and Feb. 2013

 This 4-hour writing workshop is designed for high school and advanced intermediate-school students (and for parents who want to improve their own writing and evaluation skills). The workshop includes a helpful 30-page handbook full of helpful tips on essay writing.  
     We will be planning some workshops in the Richmond, VA area but Janice can also travel to your location. We'll be glad to help you plan this event and you can also find information about hosting a workshop at the website.
     Please visit this link for more details on the recommended class size, costs and other planning information.  Online registrations can be made available to your group.  Janice is also available to speak to your group on a wide range of topics.  Visit the website for her list of available topics.  Email her assistant Ann at get started planning your event.

Visit Janice at one of these Events in July

A free downloadable convention resource,
  Language Arts Newsletter Handout
July 6-8, 2012
Portland, Oregon
This event is for many different people; writers, bloggers, photographers, entrepreneurs, people who
   love to travel, people who want to live and work overseas and much more.

Circe Conference, Louisville, KY
July 18-21, 2012
Presented by the CiRCE Institute, The 2012 CiRCE Conference on the purpose,  essence, and practice of Christian classical education features Wendell Berry, David Hicks, Gregory Wolfe, Andrew Kern, John Hodges, James Daniels, Andrew Pudewa, and many other inspiring, insightful speakers.

This event is perfect for the classical educator (teacher, parent, or administrator) who wants to dive more deeply into the great conversation that is Christian classical education. Join the conversation.
Be inspired. Be challenged. Be renewed.
Why "Creation"? Click here to learn more.
July 26-28, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia, Cobb Galleria Centre
Education Focused!
Fun for the Whole Family!
Visit the website!

Have you "liked" the Excellence in Literature page on Facebook yet? We'd love to connect with you there!

Be sure to check the Taking Time for Things that Matter blog for weekly (usually) updates.

If you work with words, or want to, you need to get "The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work With Words," a free newsletter from the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors at

*SAT, CLEP, AP, and PSAT/NMSQT are registered trademarks of the College Board and/or National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which are were not involved with the production of this email.