Subject: Friend- Education News - SAT Dates, Scholarship Tips, More!

Everyday Education – Mid-Winter 2006 Newsletter

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  • Note from Janice
  • News: Approaching Deadlines
  • Homeschooling in the News: "Homeschool Applicants Attractive to Top Liberal Arts Colleges"
  • Article From My Blog: Scholarship Hunting
  • E-book Review: Website ABC's
  • Upcoming Events
  • Resources

Note from Janice

I hope your year is off to a joyous start- I always feel that my "real" new year begins in September when the boys and I pick up school once again. January is our secondary new year- a time to take a break and see how we are doing, and to recalibrate our studies as necessary.

We got a rather late start this month, after passing around the flu and colds, but the most significant change I've made in our school day is to add just a bit more writing to both boys' curriculum. I've been surveying college admissions officers and reading books on success in life, and the one success ingredient that seems most often mentioned is the ability to write clearly and well. As I tell students in my Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshops, writing is simply thinking on paper.

Have you ever considered that learning to write clearly is a matter of learning to think clearly? It's true! Until you learn to think clearly, you cannot possible write clearly. Fortunately, the act of learning to write- particularly when it includes analytical writing of some sort- is an ideal way to learn clear thinking. Writing and thinking are as inextricably linked as the chicken and the egg- you can't have one without the other!

If you have any questions about homeschooling through high school, getting an early start on college, high school paperwork, or similar subjects, feel free to write.

I wish you a very happy year!

Janice Campbell

News: Approaching Deadlines

  • The next SAT will be administered on April 1, 2006. Registration deadline is February 24, 2006, with a late registration deadline of March 8.
  • The next ACT will be administered on April 8, 2006. Registration deadline is March 3, 2006, with a late registration deadline of March 17.
  • Federal income tax forms must be filed by April 15.
  • Applications for financial aid for college must be filed by July 2, 2007. Earlier is always better! File at FAFSA It's a free application, so don't file anywhere that demands a fee for filing.

Homeschooling in the News Homeschool Applicants Attractive to Top Liberal Arts Colleges, Admissions Officers Say

Does homeschooling prepare students for college? Absolutely! According Sabena Moretz-Van Namen, University of Richmond associate director of admission, "self-direction allows many homeschoolers an easier transition into college academic work than that experienced by graduates of traditional high schools."

Be sure to read this interesting article, which includes quotes from several homeschooled students, including my son, Taylor, who will graduate from UR in May. (There is a bit of pronoun confusion in the paragraph leading to his quote, but the meaning is clear.) The bottom line is, homeschoolers are not just marginal candidates for college, but many are outstanding, and colleges are taking notice.

You can help your student get into college! Find out how you can keep the kind of records that make a difference in Transcripts Made Easy: Your Friendly Guide to High School Paperwork. Order it today!

Article From My Blog: "Scholarship Hunting"

Everybody talks about it, but hardly anybody does it.

What's that, you say?

Scholarship hunting! Thousands of dollars go unclaimed each year because very few people are willing to put in the effort it takes to rake in the kind of scholarship money that counts. You don't have to be the most spectacular student on the planet to earn significant funds-- you just have to put in the hours and hours it takes to write essays, gather reference letters, fill out applications on time, and keep good records.

Steve Rosen's "Kids and Money" column offers an indepth look at the scholarship hunting process through the eyes of a student who amassed over $25,000 in scholarships. Read it-- you'll learn what it takes, and I hope you'll be inspired to jump into the competition!

You might want to check out my favorite scholarship search engine (below), but don't overlook the very important financial aid office at the college you have chosen. Your academic advisor can occasionally point you toward some very little-known scholarships, and these are the ones that have the least competition. Whatever, you do, don't be afraid to ask questions!

Need money for college? Use FastWeb's free scholarship search to find information on more than 600,000 scholarships!

E-Book Review:

Web Site ABC's by Phyllis Wheeler

  • Category: The Everyday Entrepreneur (Homeschool + Home Business)
  • Reviewed by Janice Campbell

The Computer Lady has done it again! Phyllis Wheeler has taken a seemingly complex subject, and made it accessible. Internet Commerce (aka e-business or e-commerce) is a vibrant, growing field, but in order to provide goods or services online, a company must have a website! There are many books and programs available to help set up a website, but most are too complicated for computer novices, or too expensive for a start-up venture.

Wheeler's new e-book, WebSite ABC's, bridges the gap between the beginner and a first website. Using detailed text instructions, coupled with screen shots, Wheeler walks the reader through the process of learning exactly what is necessary to get online in just hours. She covers simple HTML, how to find and use a free web design program, how to create an information or sales site, how to find affordable hosting, how to tie in a shopping cart, how to make an e-book, and much more.

The greatest strength of WebSite ABC's is its simplicity. The information presented is adequate, but not overwhelming. Using Wheeler's information, anyone with internet access can create a simple, income-producing website. The casual tone and "let me show you" warmth of WebSite ABC's removes the intimidation factor from unfamiliar terms and concepts, and leaves the reader with a "can do" feeling.

Information in the e-book is applicable to both PC and Mac. While Wheeler's example screenshots show a PC, she includes keystroke instructions for the Mac when necessary. WebSite ABC's is a remarkably friendly introduction to the world of e-commerce, and is suitable for both high school students and adults. Now there's no excuse for not setting up a website!

Click Here! to read more about Phyllis Wheeler's WebSite ABC's.


"Say What You Mean" Online Communication Convention

The 1st Annual Say What You Mean Communication Convention begins Wednesday, February 1st and goes through Friday, February 3rd. It is in honor of The Great Communicator's birthday and designed to bring attention to the importance of communication skills-- especially for the Christian community. It promises to be great fun for the entire family with f*r*e*e seminars, contests and prizes!

Wednesday is Homeschool Day! We are offering a f*r*e*e 5 Day eCourse for parents that will help them teach communication skills to their children. We also have a f*r*e*e eBook with the best of my communication articles for homeshoolers, f*r*e*e audio seminars you can download as well as some live interactive chat workshops. Your children can have fun as they hone their presentation skills by entering our Silly Product Contest! We also have a drawing and a scavenger hunt where you can win prizes donated by our sponsors like The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Art of Eloquence and Write Shop!

Thursday is Business Day! We are offering a f*r*e*e 5 Day eCourse for small business owners, a f*r*e*e eBook with the best of my communication articles for entrepreneurs, f*r*e*e audio seminars as well as live interactive chat workshops. You can get some exposure for your business as you compete to win in our Elevator Speech Contest.

Friday is Teacher Day! We are offering a f*r*e*e eBook with the best of my communication articles for classroom or co op teachers, f*r*e*e audio seminars as well as a live interactive chat workshop. Enter our Most Creative Teacher contest for your chance to win a prize! This is a very unique event and we are excited to bring all this information to you in a fun and entertaining environment.

Stop by February 1st -3rd at SayWhat You Mean! Communication Convention

Pass it on... Please feel free to pass this along to your homeschool groups and other Christian organizations you belong to! All are welcome! Remember, God gave each of us something to say that only we can say...something that someone else needs to hear! Let's fellowship together, have fun and hone our skills so that the Lord can work more effectively through us!

Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop

I will be offering a special BTC workshop on July 13, 2006 at the Dulles Expo and Convention Center. It will be held as a kick-off event for the Northern Virginia Home Education Conference, and there is a nice discount available when you register for both events. You can read more at about how this workshop prepares your student for timed essays such as those they will find on the SAT and ACT and on college final exams. It's a fast way to give your student confidence, and some of the tools they need to succeed.

"Home School Digest" Special Subscription Deal!

In the Home School Digest , you'll find practical tips, simple homeschooling suggestions and bold Biblical challenges that make up an open forum for wrestling through the complex issues that affect homeschooling families. We pray that the broad, yet uncompromising approach you'll find in the Home School Digest will strengthen, encourage and equip you in your journey of homeschooling , raising Godly children, and walking closer with Jesus Christ.

From now until February 15th, 2006, you can save $6.00 off the regular $18.00 subscription price. To receive your special $12.00 rate, go to and enter coupon code: eved1 This offer may not be used in conjunction with any other offer made by Wisdom's Gate.


HSLDA Discount: Home School Legal Defense Association is offering a $15 discount on a one-year membership for people who join or renew online before March 18, 2006. Read more about it here.

Random House offers an occasional literature e-newsletter to educators. To sign up, send an email to

Biblical Concourse e-Newsletter: The Biblical Concourse of Home Universities seeks to function as a "national home school support group for people interested in private, Christian-parent-directed higher education." You may read more about it and subscribe to its e-newsletter here.

Thank you for reading! Have a joyous February-


You have received this newsletter because you signed up at the Everyday Education website, You may forward the newsletter in its entirety to anyone you like, and you may reprint all or part of it, as long as you include the following information: "Copyright 2005 by Janice Campbell, and provided as a service of Everyday Education. If you have received this information as an e-mail forward or a reprint, I'd like to invite you to visit to sign up for the newsletter and browse the other articles, links, and resources on the site."


Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshops

Intimidated by the new SAT essay?
Unnerved at the thought of essay questions on college exams?
Don’t be!

Come to the Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop™ where you’ll learn:
o A simple three-step process for writing essays on any subject.
o A quick formula for making the best use of limited time.
o How to find your thesis within the essay question.
o How to use your personal frame of reference to develop a thesis for almost any essay question.
o How to organize thoughts and information for maximum impact.
o How to quickly evaluate and improve your essay.

For more information on the essay workshop, visit