Subject: Friend, California Ruling Threatens Homeschoolers

Dear Friend,

If you’re not stranded, like Robinson Crusoe, on a desert island, you’ve probably heard about the California court ruling that essentially outlaws homeschooling in California.

Today's article on the blog discusses why the ruling is absurd, and offers links to a summary of the case and the complete brief, as well as to other resources that can provide you with some useful food for thought on the subject of compulsory schooling and home education.

Read it now at

Also in this post is a link for submitting your own blog articles to the next Carnival of Homeschooling that I'll be hosting next week. If you've never been to a blog carnival, you're in for a treat! The blog host gathers a wide selection of excellent blog posts, and provides summaries and links, so that you can discover and enjoy new writers. I've discovered some of my favorite bloggers through the blog carnival, so I hope you'll remember to join us next week.

Enjoy the evening, and remember California homeschoolers.  


Janice Campbell