Subject: Thanksgiving poem, recipe, book; hurricane opportunity

Thanksgiving poem, recipe, book; hurricane opportunity

November 21st, 2012 at 6:39 am EST

The Everyday Educator 21 November 2012 In This Issue Thanksgiving blessings From the Archive: "Gratefullnesse" by George HerbertOur favorite Thanksgiving recipe Resource focus: Working It Out: Growing Spiritually with the Poe ...

Newsletter: Homeschool ideas, encouragement, contests, more

November 7th, 2012 at 5:30 am EST

The Everyday Educator 7 November 2012 In This Issue Article: Storming? Time to Enjoy Books, Games, Music and CraftsArchive: Houseplants, Homeschools, and Normal Homeschool Moms Resource focus: Homeschooling Through High School ...