Subject: Friend, an autumn poem, Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop, NaNoWriMo, high-school scheduling
Friend, an autumn poem, Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop, NaNoWriMo, high-school scheduling
October 28th, 2009 at 2:02 pm ESTThe Everyday Educator 27 November 2009 In This Issue Letter from Janice News: Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop in Chesterfield VA, Tutoring, Blog Carnival Fun Bits: November Celebrations Feature: High-School Scheduling: Why Not Do What Works Be ...
Friend, it's Great Books Week! Come blog with us...
October 4th, 2009 at 1:43 pm ESTDear Friend,I'd like to invite you to participate in a Blog Tour in honor of Great Books Week which is October 4-10, 2009. There are special blog topics for each day, and you're invited to write a post and link back to the NAIWE NewsWire blog so that ...