Subject: Newsletter: Inspiration, homeschool resources, and more

The Everyday Educator
10 September 2013

In This Issue
  • Letter from Janice
  • Three Questions to Ask Graduated Homeschool Moms
  • New resources at
  • From the Archives: High School Scheduling- Some Non-Traditional Options
  • September 19 event at Rockville Library
  • Homeschool Infographic: How American Homeschoolers Measure Up
  • Spelling Made Easy
  • Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop
  • Contests and awards for students
  • Subscription information: Make changes here!
Dear Friend,

I can't believe it's already September! The days are getting shorter, and the air is getting crisper, so autumn is definitely on its way. Although my boys are grown, the back-to-school season is still one of my favorite times of year, and now I have the joy of watching my grandchildren learn and grow. The cycle of life moves on.

The newsletter was going to go out yesterday, but I had the opportunity to go to my two-year-old granddaughter's art class yesterday and watch her carefully sculpt and paint a clay elephant. I believe it's important to share beauty with children as early as possible, so I'm delighted to see that my sweet grands are enjoying the art museum and beautiful music as a normal part of life. I hope you'll be able to include those things this year, even in small ways. 

I hope that your school year is beginning well, and for those of you in the southern hemisphere, that you're beginning to experience the joy of spring. Remember, the most important thing you will do each day is to love your husband and your children. Nothing else comes close!


Janice Campbell
Taking Time for Things that Matter blog:
Entrepreneurship blog:

P.S. In the next issue, I'll be sharing exciting news about the 1857 McGuffey Readers (and probably sooner on the blog). I know that some of you have been very patient!

P.P.S. We've heard that the links don't show up as underlined in some browsers, so if you see something you think is a link, just mouse over it, and you should be able to click it. If there's an asterisk near a resource, that means it's an affiliate link. You may read more about those in the information at the end of this newsletter.
Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.

~Leonardo da Vinci
Three Questions to Ask Graduated Homeschool Moms

No matter what curriculum you use, homeschooling is a deeply personalized journey. What it looks like and how it feels will be based on each family’s unique blend of talents, interests, knowledge, skills, learning styles, and personality types. Moms who are just getting started and looking for the “right way” to homeschool sometimes feel a bit frustrated trying to figure out what to do and how to do it. Is there a good way to figure out the best options for your family?

First, you need to know that there is not one single right way to homeschool. If someone tries to tell you there is, you’re welcome to smile politely, respond noncommittally, and ESCAPE! Although it can be fun and interesting to research the options and go to conferences with your peers, I would recommend that you also talk to homeschool moms whose students have graduated. The more you can talk with, the better, as it helps to gain a variety of perspectives. Here are three questions to begin with: READ MORE . . .
New resources at

  • Memoir as Post Modern History by Paul Gregory Alms
  • Aeneid Study Guide by William Johnson
  • Introduction to Medieval Music by Cynthia Cyrus
  • The Haunted Oak by Paul Dunbar
  • Ships That Pass in the Night by Paul Dunbar
Discovering Music with Professor Carol*

If you enjoy studying literature in its historic, cultural context with Excellence in Literature, you'll love the way that Professor Carol's music-based history program dovetails with EIL.

Described as "history for your ears," Professor Carol’s lively history curriculum takes you through music, art, and Western Culture in an exciting, easy to use video format that is now available on her website through the Circle of Scholars program. My oldest son bought her original Discovering Music course many years ago with his own money, and loved it, and Professor Carol just keeps adding more amazing courses and resources to the Circle of Scholars.

If you've heard Professor Carol speak, you know that she makes everything interesting. Her resources are a superb addition to your Excellence in Literature study!

*Affiliate link, shared here because this is a program I truly love;-). 
Children won't remember what you say as much as they remember how you made them feel. 
The wise in heart shall be called prudent: 
and the sweetness of the lips increases learning. 
Proverbs 16:21
From the Archives
High School Scheduling- Some Non-Traditional Options

When was the last time you thought about the best way to schedule your school days? Six subjects, one hour each per day, five days a week– ho hum. Maybe it’s time to ask some
questions about scheduling! Read more....
Upcoming Event in Central Virginia
Enticing Children to Read for Fun and Gain
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Cochrane Rockville Branch Library, Rockville, VA
Nationally known author, Janice Campbell, will discuss how extracurricular reading enhances your child's progress as a busy student. She'll offer title suggestions and guidance on how to nurture a love of reading at any age. 
Visit or for more info.
Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Rockville Library.
Item of Interest

How American Homeschoolers Measure Up: An Infographic

A Virginia homeschooler responded to a PTA mom’s concern about home educators’ “social and academic capabilities of dealing with real-world issues”. The article was reviewed here.  Here’s an excerpt from Ann Hoopsick’s Letter to the Editor at The Progress-Index.
Resource Focus for the month of August
Spelling Made Easy
by Connie Schenkelberg

Spelling can be fun!
• Do you have a student who struggles with spelling?
• Have you wondered how to teach your student the difference
  between similar words?
• Would you like a spelling program students enjoy using?

Spelling Made Easy is what you’re looking for!
read more ...   Download a sample lesson

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. 
The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”   
 ~William Arthur Ward
Events and Contests
Although we aren't able to screen all the contests that come across our desks, we are sharing them here so you'll be able to check them out yourself. Contests can be a useful motivational tool, so be sure to check them out!
Is your student intimidated by the SAT* essay?  
Unnerved at the thought of essay questions 
on college exams? Don't be!

  Get prepared with a Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshop
  • Presented by Janice Campbell
  This 4-hour writing workshop is designed for high school and advanced intermediate-school students (and for parents who want to improve their own writing and evaluation skills). The workshop includes a 30-page handbook full of helpful tips on essay writing.  
  • Check upcoming SAT Test Dates from the College Board website or the list below
  • Wondering when your student should take the SAT, find out here.
We'll be glad to help you plan this event and you'll find information about
hosting a workshop at the website.  

Please visit this link for more details on the recommended class size, costs and other planning information. Online registrations can be made available to your group. 

We may plan a workshop for the Richmond Metro Area sometime in October.

Janice is also available to speak to your group on a wide range of topics.  
Visit the website for her list of available topics.  Email her assistant Ann at to get started planning your workshop.
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers identifies teenagers with
exceptional artistic and literary talent and brings their remarkable
work to a national audience through The Scholastic Art & Writing
Awards.  2013-2014 Events
Our new writing competition is now open to kids aged 8+ and adults. Poetry and picture books are not acceptable in this competition, and  you don’t have to submit your full story – just the first 500 words.

2013-2014 Essay Contest Question Announced!  Contest Deadline: February 3, 2014, 11:59 PM EST  National Peace Essay Contest 2013-2014 Topic and Question Security Sector Reform, Political Transition, and Sustainable Peace
On November 1, 2013, coordinator and student registration will open online. The process will be similar to years past: coordinators will register online first, receive a link to the student registration system by email, and then students will be able to register and submit their essays (by February 3, 2014 at 11:59 EST) using that link.
This is the FREE national, monthly writing contest hosted by Each month you will find a different writing prompt.
SchoolSoup’s research team has identified Writing Competition
Scholarships. is considered the authority on college/university scholarships and we have listed over $40 Billion in available scholarships.
Visit the website!

Have you "liked" the Excellence in Literature page on Facebook yet? We'd love to connect with you there!

*Links or Amazon resources marked with an asterisk are affiliate links (that means that if you purchase the item from the link, I would get a small referral commission; nothing happens if you don't purchase anything). Most of these items are things I have read and used and loved, and have shared many times without affiliate links, and you can be sure that I would never recommend anything I didn't believe to be beneficial. 

If you haven't yet seen the Excellence in Literature resource website, I think you'll enjoy it. If you're using the curriculum, you'll find that we've hosted many of the context resources on the site, organized by level so you can easily find them. Even if you're not using EIL, you'll find good resources for literature and history study, including source documents, poetry, and more. I hope the new site makes using EIL even simpler!

Be sure to check the Taking Time for Things that Matter blog for weekly (usually) updates.

You'll find posts on entrepreneurship, microbusiness, and marketing at Do What Matters, Make it Pay.

If you work with words, or want to, you need to get "The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work With Words," a free newsletter from the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors at

*SAT, CLEP, AP, and PSAT/NMSQT are registered trademarks of the College Board and/or National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which are were not involved with the production of this email.

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