Subject: Newsletter: Immy's reading! The Living Page, Cincinnati and MD Conferences, more

The Everyday Educator
April 2015

In This Issue
  • Letter from Janice: Immy's reading! The Living Page, website move, and more
  • Article: Christian Worldview or Christian Content?
  • Resource Focus: McGuffey Readers
  • New resources at
  • From the Archives:  Homeschool Conventions Made Easy
  • Visit Janice at a homeschool convention near you. Next stop Cincinnati!
  • Contests and awards for students
  • Testimonial
  • Subscription information
Dear Friend,

It's convention season, and we are in Cincinnati! We are looking forward to seeing you at the Great Homeschool Convention here—it's one of my favorites.

There are few bits of news I wanted to share. I hope you will forgive me for sharing my favorite bit first (it's a grammi thing)—my granddaughter has learned to read! She's four, and has been read to all her life and has been sounding out words for awhile, so it wasn't entirely surprising that she just figured it out. But it's such fun to see her absorbed in a book. 

The second thing is that we are now offering a new book—the absolutely wonderful The Living Page by Laurie Bestvater. You may read all about it at its page on the website. We are offering it with free shipping for this first week that we have it available, so be sure to take a look.

The third bit of news is that the website move is finally happening. If you click on the link for The Living Page, you will see a sample of what the new website will look like. Since it's a work in progress, other pages will be the old site still, but we hope to have it all moved and organized soon. I hope you'll excuse the strange mixture of pages as the move is happening—the new does look very different from the old.

Once the Everyday Education website is fully moved, I am thinking of combining the two blogs ( and into one, hosted at the DoingWhatMatters site. The tagline at DWM is "education, entrepreneurship, and soul care, so it seems as if it would be a natural transition. What do you think? 

I hope you are having a wonderful spring. Please feel free to write or leave a comment on the website. Because we are traveling and at conferences, it may be a day or two before I can get back with you, but I'll do it as soon as possible.


Janice Campbell
Main site:
EIL resources:
Taking Time for Things that Matter blog:
Entrepreneurship blog:

It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be
when you can't help it.
~Oscar Wilde

Christian Worldview or Christian Content?
by Janice Campbell

When you choose curriculum, do you choose books written from a Christian worldview or material with Christian content (theological interpretations and questions with required theological answers)? Although you may not have considered the distinction before, I think it is important to think about. Continue reading....

Resource Focus for the Month
McGuffey Readers

Want an easy way to teach language arts using stories, poems, essays, and speeches that reinforce virtues such as
courage, honor, diligence, stewardship, independence, frugality, perseverance, and kindness?

You'll find it all in the 1857 edition of the McGuffey Eclectic Readers!
An entirely new introduction by Janice offers brief guidance for using Charlotte Mason's language arts learning sequence with each of the Readers. Whether used as a primary text or a supplement, this new edition will help you include the time-tested language arts instruction of Mason and McGuffey into your education program.

New resources at
Find a complete list of new resources on the
bottom, right side of the page.

From the Archives

Spring and summer are prime time for homeschool conventions, which means that those of us who go to a lot of conferences will see many people wandering the aisles, looking dazed. If you’re planning to go to a homeschool conference this year, I have a few tips to make it the highlight of your homeschool year, rather than a daunting challenge.
An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.
~Anatole France
Stop by the Everyday Education booth at a conference this year! The convention season has begun, and I'm looking forward to seeing many of you there. As you shop the exhibit halls, remember that most of the booths are manned by current and former homeschoolers, and most are happy to answer questions and offer good advice.

  • Great Homeschool Conventions, Cincinnati, OH, April 9-11

    My Speaking Schedule for Cincinnati
  • Mother School 1: Become the Mom You Want Your Children to Remember
    Duke 230-232 Thursday April 9, 5pm-6pm
  • Mother School 2: Be the Learner You Want Your Children to Become
    Duke 230-232 Friday April, 10, 10:00am11:00am
  • The Writing Toolbox 1: Model-based Writing Lessons from
    Charlotte and Ben Duke 207-208 Friday April 10, 5:30am-6:30pm
  • The Writing Toolbox 2: How to Imagine, Organize, Write, and
    Evaluate Great Essay, Duke 212 Saturday April 11, 11:30am-12:00pm

  • MÂCHÉ 2015 Maryland State Home School Curriculum Fair,
    Frederick, MD April 24-25
  • NCHE Homeschool Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, May 21-23
Events and Contests
Although we aren't able to screen all the contests that come across our desks, we are sharing them here so you'll be able to check them out yourself. Contests can be a useful motivational tool, so be sure to check them out!
Give yourself the gift of retreat and immerse yourself in Charlotte Mason's teaching "Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life."  The tranquil forest and wide Puget Sound views provide the perfect setting for exploration of the theory and practical application of the teachings, as well as for rest and renewal.
September 25-27, 2015
Testimonial From One of Our Subscribers

Dear Janice, 

I’m one of your newsletter subscribers. My daughter learned about the Scholastic Artists and Writers Awards from your newsletter last year. I encouraged her to enter. She did, and she was awarded a Silver Key for her short story in her age category for the 2014 competition. She is 17 and called by the Lord to be a writer. It was a wonderful confirmation of the gift God has given her. There were 300,000 entries nationally in the whole award contest and the top 40% were awarded either a Gold Key, Silver Key, or Honorable Mention. Just wanted to say “Thanks” for putting the contest on our radar. Glory to God!

Kindest regards,

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers identifies teenagers with exceptional artistic and literary talent and brings their remarkable work to a national audience through The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Submissions for the 2016 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards will begin in the fall of 2015.

This is the FREE national, monthly writing contest hosted by Each month you will find a different writing prompt.
SchoolSoup’s research team has identified Writing Competition
Scholarships. is considered the authority on college/university scholarships and we have listed over $40 Billion in available scholarships.
Although the application process is closed for this year please keep this in your bookmarks for next year.  Students in the central Virginia area may apply for these scholarships.
Visit the website!

Have you "liked" the Excellence in Literature page on Facebook yet? We'd love to connect with you there!

*Links or Amazon resources marked with an asterisk are affiliate links (that means that if you purchase the item from the link, I would get a small referral commission; nothing happens if you don't purchase anything). Most of these items are things I have read and used and loved, and have shared many times without affiliate links, and you can be sure that I would never recommend anything I didn't believe to be beneficial. 

If you haven't yet seen the Excellence in Literature resource website, I think you'll enjoy it. If you're using the curriculum, you'll find that we've hosted many of the context resources on the site, organized by level so you can easily find them. Even if you're not using EIL, you'll find good resources for literature and history study, including source documents, poetry, and more. I hope the new site makes using EIL even simpler!

Be sure to check the Taking Time for Things that Matter blog for weekly (usually) updates.

You'll find posts on entrepreneurship, microbusiness, and marketing at Do What Matters, Make it Pay.

If you work with words, or want to, you need to get "The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work With Words," a free newsletter from the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors at

*SAT, CLEP, AP, and PSAT/NMSQT are registered trademarks of the College Board and/or National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which are were not involved with the production of this email.

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