Subject: Newsletter: 4th McGuffey is here; Greenville conference; and more

The Everyday Educator
March 2014

In this issue:
  • Letter from Janice: The Fourth McGuffey Reader is here!
  • Article: College Alternatives, Part 1:  Skilled Trades
  • Conference schedule and speaking topics
  • Homeschool Conventions Made Easy, from the archives
  • Invitation to submit an article for the Homeschool blog carnival
  • Help needed at the Ontario, CA conference in June
  • Resource Focus:  Transcripts Made Easy
  • Writing Lessons at Schoolhouse Teachers
  • Join Janice at a conference this year, starting this week
  • Writing Events and Contest for Students
  • After high school
"Knowledge is of 2 kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it." ~Samuel Johnson

Dear Friend,

The convention season has begun, and I'm looking forward to seeing many of you at homeschool conferences this year. As you shop the exhibit halls, remember that most of the booths are manned by current and former homeschoolers, and most are happy to answer questions and offer good advice. 

This month's exciting news is that the fourth McGuffey Reader is now available. You'll find it at the page. 

Some of the Excellence in Literature books have received a new cover design, and the remaining two will be done soon. I'll be posting those on the website asap. Right now, everything is subordinate to the convention season, so "asap" isn't as quick as I might prefer:-). I think this means I'm developing buckets of patience! 

Blessings to you and your family as you grow together in love. 

Janice Campbell

P.S. If you love to sew, the Olabelhe site is a homeschooling mama's wonderful site with original patterns for pretty girl's dresses. The photos alone are worth a visit.

If you have students who maintain they don’t need college, don’t want it, or don’t understand the purpose and meaning of education, it is probably not the right time to go to college. It is better to wait until they are ready than to rush off right after high school and incur debt for an education they won’t appreciate. They can go to work, start a business,
work on the family farm, or do something else. If they eventually need college, it will be there. Read more...
Join me at the conferences this year! 
Kicking it off next week, I'll be at the first of the
Great Homeschool Conventions (GHC) over the weekend.
For a complete descriptions of my speaking topics visit
my speaker page at the blog.
Visit the links below to find the specific talks I will be presenting at these different events.

Here's my schedule through July:

Great Homeschool Conventions: Greenville, SC  Thursday-Saturday,
March 20-22 -- Booth 402 at the front of the convention hall
  • Model-based Writing Lessons from Charlotte and Ben
  • Mr. McGuffey, Meet Charlotte Mason: How to Teach Language Arts, Elocution, and so much more
  • Reading: The Most Important Skill (and How to Fit it In)
  • How Literature Springs into Music: Understand Classic Literature through Music with Professor Carol Reynolds
  • How to Choose Curriculum that Fits Your Family Without Breaking Your Budget
Eastern Panhandle Home School Conference, Shepherdstown, WV  March 29
  • You Don’t Have to Know it All Before You Begin: How to Educate Yourself for Homeschooling
  • Starting College at Home: Save Thousands of Dollars and Hours of Time
Next month and beyond:

As you can see, we'll be in a lot of places. I hope we can be a blessing to you. Please pray that our strength holds out for all of this! When doors open, we walk through, and are grateful for the opportunity. I look forward to meeting you.
Please stop by the Everyday Education Booth to see us. ~Janice
   From the Archives

  Spring and summer are prime time for homeschool conventions, which means that those of us who go to a lot of conferences will see people wandering the aisles, looking dazed. If you’re planning to go to a homeschool conference this year, I have a few tips to make it the highlight of your homeschool year, rather than a daunting challenge. Read more...
In the Catalog
In response to a few requests, I'm adding the option of getting the e-book at a discount when you purchase the print book. The advantage of this, especially for Excellence in Literature, is that your student can access all the instructional chapters and models in the print book, while being able to use the e-book to click on links online, rather than typing them in. This can be a real time-saver! 

So far, that option has made it to the Excellence in Literature Complete Curriculum on the catalog page, but after the conference, I'll try to add it to the individual book pages.
Do you blog? Share a post!

I will be hosting the Carnival of Homeschooling at the Taking Time for Things that Matter blog next week, and would like to invite you to share a post. It's a great way to share your blog with new readers and build a bit of extra traffic. As a bonus, you may also discover new blogs you enjoy.

Here's how to submit a post:
Visit the Blog Carnival site and fill in the form (easiest). 
Alternatively, you can e-mail submissions to:
When: by 6:00 PM (PST) on the Monday evening of the week of the carnival. It is greatly appreciated when the submissions come in earlier.
What: Please send the following information
Title of Post
URL of Post
Name of Blog
URL of Blog
Brief summary of the post (1-2 sentences)
Brief introduction of yourself (1 sentence)
(Please put "carnival" or "submission" in the subject field of the email.)
Resource Focus for March

You homeschool. You have teens. How 'bout that paperwork?
You know the time is coming when your homeschooled teen will need a transcript. If you'd rather spend time with people than paperwork, Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler's Guide to High School Paperwork is written for you! It's all you need to know about home school trancripts, high school diplomas, and simple record-keeping.
What can Transcripts Made Easy do for you?
  • You can start homeschooling through high school with confidence when you have a simple system for tracking what your teen learns.
  • You can rest easy about the college admissions process when you know that the transcript you've created will correctly and concisely convey your student's achievements.
  • You can happily toss unnecessary busy-work, because Transcripts Made Easy takes the work out of paperwork!
Writing Lessons at Schoolhouse Teachers

Don't forget that I offer a monthly Classics-Based Writing Lesson at Schoolhouse Teachers!  During the month of March, students are using a passage from Around the World in Eighty Days to study the use of humor and irony and use in their own writing.

There are a lot of other great classes at Schoolhouse Teachers, so be sure to visit!
Help needed at the Ontario, California conference in June
I will be at the Great Homeschool Conventions conference in Ontario this June, and my husband will be unable to travel with me. I will need someone to help in my booth during the times I am speaking, the first hour in the morning (while waiting for my brain to arrive), and some of the rest of the time, depending on how busy the conference is. You would have time to browse the hall or attend workshops, but I'm not sure how much. I'd do my best to make sure you get to those that are most important to you. 

Qualifications: I need someone who has used and enjoyed Excellence in Literature, and is outgoing enough to engage convention-goers and answer questions. Conference booth or retail/sales experience is preferred, and general knowledge about Charlotte Mason and classical homeschooling methods would be helpful.

Writing Events and Contests for Students
Although we aren't able to screen all the contests that come across our desks, we are sharing them here so you'll be able to check them out yourself. Contests can be a useful motivational tool.

2014 Summer Camps in Aspen
Now in its 24th year, our Scribes & Scribblers creative writing workshops are designed to help kids discover that stories are  everywhere. We invite young writers to take a creative adventure with  words and explore the storyteller inside of them through bookmaking,
drawing, painting, poetry, playwriting, acting, animation, and the  natural world. Join us this summer to uncover the imaginative and  illuminating world of stories. Ages 6-8, 9-10, 11-14
Aspen Summer Words
Aspen Summer Words is the Rocky Mountain gateway to the literary world. Morning workshops are an intimate place to develop your craft, with a winning combination of inspiration, instruction, and community. We offer workshops in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, memoir, or novel editing,  taught by some of the most renowned writers in the field. In the
afternoon, time is set aside to work and rework your writing, or to participate in public discussions on craft and publishing with our award-winning faculty. Evenings are reserved for readings and revelry!

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers identifies teenagers with exceptional artistic and literary talent and brings their remarkable work to a national audience through The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Submissions for the 2015 Awards will be accepted beginning in September of 2014. Please use the zip code tool on the right of the Guidelines & Deadlines  Since 1923, the Awards has recognized the exceptional vision of our
nation’s youth, and provided a singular opportunity for students to be
noticed for their creative talents. 

John Randolph Foundation Scholarships
Through the generosity of individuals, local businesses and corporate foundations, John Randolph Foundation is proud to offer the following scholarships to local students and teachers. (Tri-Cities area Virginia) The application process for the 2013-2014 scholarship season is closed but keep an eye out for their next round of opportunities.

Only a few days left to enter!

Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program
The Kohl's Cares® Scholarship Program recognizes and rewards young volunteers (ages 6-18) who help make their communities a better place to live.

National Student Writing Contest - March 2014
This is the FREE national, monthly writing contest hosted by  Writing Contest Prompt:  W

"The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put in to it that counts,
but how much it digests"~A.J. Nock

Pretty dress patterns for little girls
If you enjoy sewing, this homeschool mama has a lovely website with many beautiful custom patterns for little girl's dresses. Olabelhe also offers paper dolls and some of the sample garments she has made. Easter is coming, so you may want to take a look! 
After High School

Microbusiness: On my Do What Matters, Make it Pay blog, you'll find a helpful infographic on how to use Pinterest, a popular social media site, for career development. 


What You Need to Succeed in Today's Market Landscape

This series of webinars about entering today's market place is hosted by College Plus. It's designed for teens and adults. Speakers include; Kevin Swanson, Dr. Jeff Myers, John Stonestreet, Andrew Pudewa, Doug Phillips and a panel of recent college graduates from College Plus.
Visit the website!

Have you "liked" the Excellence in Literature page on Facebook yet? We'd love to connect with you there!

Be sure to check the Taking Time for Things that Matter blog for weekly (usually) updates.

If you work with words, or want to, you need to get "The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work With Words," a free newsletter from the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors at

*SAT, CLEP, AP, and PSAT/NMSQT are registered trademarks of the College Board and/or National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which are were not involved with the production of this email.
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Everyday Education, LLC, P.O. Box 549, 23005, Ashland, United States
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