Subject: Newsletter: 3rd edition of EIL; Cathy Duffy review; NCHE; and more

The Everyday Educator
May 2014

In this issue:
  • Letter from Janice: 
  • Article: There are four new articles this time! College Alternatives Part 2; Play; Authors Foretell the Future; and an article on values-based time managment
  • Cathy Duffy Reviews Excellence in Literature
  • Conference schedule 
  • Homeschool Conventions Made Easy, from the archives
  • Resource Focus:  E-book special with print purchase
  • Writing Lessons at Schoolhouse Teachers
  • Join Janice at a conference this year, here's her schedule
  • Writing Events and Contest for Students
  • After high school
"No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune. " ~Plutarch.

Dear Friend,

Isn't it a beautiful spring? Our weather has been cold, hot, and in-between, but the flowers just keep blooming. I do enjoy this break before truly awful summer humidity kicks in. It's been fun to have park outings with our grandchildren on a few of the prettiest days (you can see them in the photo below).

Finally! All the Excellence in Literature books, including The Complete Curriculum, have been updated and are available on either Everyday Education or Excellence in Literature. Better yet, we've added the option of adding the e-book to your print book purchase for just $10 extra. This allows you and your student to access all the instructional materials and models in the print book, while using the e-book to click on context resource links (on most computers), rather than typing them in.

Remember, the First through Fourth McGuffey Reader is now available, and the Fifth should be ready by the end of this month. You'll find them at the page.

Blessings to you and your family as you grow together in love.

Janice Campbell
Cathy Duffy Reviews Excellence in Literature

I was honored to have Cathy Duffy, author of 101 Top Picks, review the newest edition of Excellence in Literature. She was reviewing curriculum when I first began homeschooling the boys in the late 1980s, so she truly knows her stuff, and she writes wonderful, detailed reviews. When you visit her site to read reviews, be sure to notice the "Instant Key" that orients you to the main features of the curriculum (see below). 

Instant Key for Excellence in Literature
Suitable for: independent study for grades 8-12
Need for parent/teacher instruction: only to evaluate written assignments
Prep time needed: none other than making sure resources are available
Teacher's manual: N/A-student directed study from this guide
Educational philosophy: classical, real books, college prep
Religious perspective: Christian

You will find the EIL review and many others at One last quote: 

"Students completing these courses should be miles ahead of most of their high school contemporaries in their ability to read and analyze literature at a sophisticated level. The challenging writing assignments also promise to develop student skills in composition to a high level."
From the education blog . . .

Play is a Child's Work: The outdoors used to be a place where children could run, play, build, create, and do the mildly hazardous things children love to do. Things have changed, though with playgrounds that are more like padded cells than places for adventure. Here is a look at a new development called an "adventure playground," with a note on how homeschool families can create their own.

College Alternatives Part 2: Entrepreneurship, Apprenticeships, and Guilds: The last College Alternatives post focused on the skilled trades, such as machinist, electrician, arborist, and others. Since college has been pushed as a primary option for most students, there has been a labor shortage in many of the trades, making them a good alternative or second skill to develop. Trades are not for everyone, though, so the final two college options I’ll talk about are entrepreneurship and learning through apprenticeships or guilds. Even if your student eventually decides to attend college, he or she can benefit by having one or more of these experiences during high school.

Imaginative Authors Foresee the Future: In Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift wrote of the two moons of Mars. Of course, it was 1735, and the two moons weren’t discovered 1877. In 1870, in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne described an electric submarine, which wasn’t invented until the 1960s.

From the microbusiness blog . . .
Look Up: It's Time to Create a Real Life: In order to be successful in business, it's important to be successful in things that matter for eternity. Here then, with apologies to I Corinthians 13, are some thoughts on blending a micro business with family life.

New Resources at
Howard Pyle: Illustrator, Author, and Teacher: A mini-bio with illustrations and many links to additional resources.
Journalism Story Structure: A how-to article by Mark Grabowski
Books Boys Like: An ever-growing list of good reading.

For each of these articles, click the title to read more. Enjoy!

Join me at a conferences this year! 

For a complete description of my speaking topics visit
my speaker page at the blog.
Visit the links below to find the specific talks I will be presenting at these different events.

Here's my schedule through July:

As you can see, we'll be in a lot of places. I hope we can be a blessing to you. Please pray that our strength holds out for all of this! When doors open, we walk through, and are grateful for the opportunity. I look forward to meeting you.
Please stop by the Everyday Education Booth to see us. ~Janice
   From the Archives

  Spring and summer are prime time for homeschool conventions, which means that those of us who go to a lot of conferences will see people wandering the aisles, looking dazed. If you’re planning to go to a homeschool conference this year, I have a few tips to make it the highlight of your homeschool year, rather than a daunting challenge. Read more...
In the Catalog
In response to requests, we've added the option of getting the e-book for only $10 per level when you purchase the print book. The advantage of this, especially for Excellence in Literature, is that your student can access all the instructional chapters and models in the print book, while being able to use the e-book to click on links online, rather than typing them in. This can be a real time-saver! 

You can see all the options on the Everyday Education catalog page.
Writing Lessons at Schoolhouse Teachers

Don't forget that I offer a monthly Classics-Based Writing Lesson at Schoolhouse Teachers!  During the month of May, students are using "A Message to Garcia," an essay by Elbert Hubbard, to learn how to use hyperbole and metaphor to humorously convey an important point. This essay contains a great character lesson too, so don't miss it! 

The essay, "A Message to Garcia," can be found at

There are a lot of other great classes at Schoolhouse Teachers, so be sure to visit!
Transcripts Made Easy: Add the E-Book!

You homeschool. You have teens. How 'bout that paperwork?
You know the time is coming when your homeschooled teen will need a transcript. If you'd rather spend time with people than paperwork, Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler's Guide to High School Paperwork is written for you! It's all you need to know about home school transcripts, high school diplomas, and simple record-keeping.
What can Transcripts Made Easy do for you?
  • You can start homeschooling through high school with confidence when you have a simple system for tracking what your teen learns.
  • You can rest easy about the college admissions process when you know that the transcript you've created will correctly and concisely convey your student's achievements.
  • You can happily toss unnecessary busy-work, because Transcripts Made Easy takes the work out of paperwork!

Writing Events and Contests for Students
Although we aren't able to screen all the contests that come across our desks, we are sharing them here so you'll be able to check them out yourself. Contests can be a useful motivational tool.

Life is so much more than classroom learning. So why should your college experience be any
different? Join the CollegePlus Scholarship Contest for your chance to be a Grand Prize
winner and choose one of three life-changing experiences!

2014 Summer Camps in Aspen, CO
Now in its 24th year, our Scribes & Scribblers creative writing workshops are designed to help kids discover that stories are  everywhere. We invite young writers to take a creative adventure with  words and explore the storyteller inside of them through bookmaking,
drawing, painting, poetry, playwriting, acting, animation, and the  natural world. Join us this summer to uncover the imaginative and  illuminating world of stories. Ages 6-8, 9-10, 11-14
Aspen Summer Words
Aspen Summer Words is the Rocky Mountain gateway to the literary world. Morning workshops are an intimate place to develop your craft, with a winning combination of inspiration, instruction, and community. We offer workshops in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, memoir, or novel editing,  taught by some of the most renowned writers in the field. In the
afternoon, time is set aside to work and rework your writing, or to participate in public discussions on craft and publishing with our award-winning faculty. Evenings are reserved for readings and revelry!

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers identifies teenagers with exceptional artistic and literary talent and brings their remarkable work to a national audience through The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Submissions for the 2015 Awards will be accepted beginning in September of 2014. Please use the zip code tool on the right of the Guidelines & Deadlines.  Since 1923, the Awards has recognized the exceptional vision of our
nation’s youth, and provided a singular opportunity for students to be
noticed for their creative talents. 

John Randolph Foundation Scholarships
Through the generosity of individuals, local businesses and corporate foundations, John Randolph Foundation is proud to offer the following scholarships to local students and teachers. (Tri-Cities Virginia area) The application process for the 2013-2014 scholarship season is closed but keep an eye out for their next round of opportunities.

National Student Writing Contest - April 2014
This is the FREE national, monthly writing contest hosted by  Writing Contest Prompt: Why Must I Be A Teenager in Love?

"Often, what seems an impossible climb is just a staircase without the steps drawn in." ~Robert Brault

Pretty dress patterns for little girls
If you enjoy sewing, this homeschool mama has a lovely website with many beautiful custom patterns for little girl's dresses. Olabelhe also offers paper dolls and some of the sample garments she has made. Easter is coming, so you may want to take a look! 
After High School

Microbusiness: On my Do What Matters, Make it Pay blog, you'll find a helpful infographic on how to use Pinterest, a popular social media site, for career development. 

Webinar Series from College Plus

What You Need to Succeed in Today's Market Landscape

This series of webinars about entering today's market place is hosted by College Plus. It's designed for teens and adults. Speakers include; Kevin Swanson, Dr. Jeff Myers, John Stonestreet, Andrew Pudewa, Doug Phillips and a panel of recent college graduates from College Plus.
Visit the website!

Have you "liked" the Excellence in Literature page on Facebook yet? We'd love to connect with you there!

Be sure to check the Taking Time for Things that Matter blog for weekly (usually) updates.

If you work with words, or want to, you need to get "The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work With Words," a free newsletter from the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors at

*SAT, CLEP, AP, and PSAT/NMSQT are registered trademarks of the College Board and/or National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which are were not involved with the production of this email.
Everyday Education, LLC, P.O. Box 549, 23005, Ashland, United States
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