Subject: Janice's Homeschool SuperHeroes Interview airs Monday the 30th- here's the link

Dear Friend,

Just a quick note to let you know that my Homeschool Super Hero interview will air on Monday, August 30 (8-10pm Eastern).  You can listen free when you sign up at this page:

I think you'll enjoy listening because it is very conversational...not a formal presentation.  I'll be interviewed by Ashley Ortega, a homeschool graduate.  We discuss teaching teens and getting ready for college, as well as what I'd do differently if I was starting to homeschool all over again. There's even a bit about teaching literature and how to homeschool while caregiving!

I hope you find it helpful! Please feel free to share the link with anyone you feel might benefit.


P.S. I am pretty sure that we have the link issue fixed, but if you have any difficulty, just type "http : // www . homeschool super heroes . com / campbell" without the quotation marks and spaces into your browser bar. That should get you right to the page where you sign in and access the talks.