Subject: Friend, you can build your home library inexpensively! Here's how...


Do you like to read, or to give books as gifts? Would you like to know how to build your own personal book collection without breaking your budget? I'm a lifelong reader with a house full of good books. I've learned a few secrets to finding worthwhile books inexpensively, and in a new article I've written for you, I share my best tips.

Since I added a few illustrations, I'll just share the first couple of paragraphs here, with a link to read the rest on the website. That way, you'll see it the way it's supposed to look! Here's the article:

Build a Home Library-- Without Breaking Your Budget!
Janice Campbell

I love libraries. When I was a little kid, and people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said that I would be an author and a librarian. Many years  later, I've written two books (Transcripts Made Easy and Get a Jump Start on College ), countless articles, and am working on many more. But I'm not a "real" librarian yet. Like many other booklovers, though, I've found ways to fill my craving for books, without spending a fortune.

A home library can serve as the information center of your home, as a source of entertainment when the power goes out, and as a source of lifelong pleasure and learning. Studies have consistently shown that children who grow up in homes with many books do much better in school than those whose minds have been starved. If you're looking for ways to fill your library shelves, and feed hungry minds, here are some ideas for where to look. I've listed them in order of affordability, with the cheapest options first...

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