Subject: Friend, it's Great Books Week, and there's a blog challenge
Dear Friend,Excellence in Literature is happy to once again co-sponsor Great Books Week, October 2-9. As in previous years, there is a free downloadable poster for the event and blog challenge questions for each day, Monday-Friday, on the website.
This year we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the publication of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
Each day's challenge question will appear on the blog on the appropriate day, but in case you'd like to write them all at once, we're posting all the questions below. Each blog post contains interesting information about Great Expectations, Dickens, and his world.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Do you have a favorite Great Expectations character? Who is it, and why do you like him or her?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Who is the Great Expectations character you like the least? Why?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
What would Dickens stories be like without the setting of Victorian England? Imagine Great Expectations set in modern-day Cleveland or ancient Greece. How would it change?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
How does Dickens’ writing reflect his life experiences?
Friday, October 7, 2011
What is your favorite Charles Dickens novel, if any? Why?
We hope you enjoy the week. Be sure to share the link with others, and link back to the main challenge post when you've written.
Happy writing--we wish you great expectations of your very own.
Janice Campbell
Everyday Education, LLC
1 October 2011