Subject: Friend, Our Children Need to Write More!

I thought you might like to know that I have a new article on teaching writing posted on the blog. Here's a brief excerpt:

“Practice makes perfect” is an axiom that can be applied to everything from riding a bicycle to crafting the perfect pie crust or writing a coherent sentence. Even if perfection isn’t the goal, competence should be. At several of my Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshops, I’ve encountered teens who are noticeably concerned about their ability to write...  (read more at ).

At the end of the post, you'll find announcements, including:

  • A contest on The Old Schoolhouse Magazine's blog, offering copies of my books as prizes;
  • Upcoming Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshops;
  • Links to two nice reviews of my books.

I hope you'll enjoy the article-- I always appreciate your comments and feedback!

