Subject: Friend, Excellence wins Blue Ribbon Award; ICHE, HEAV, and Hartford
The Everyday Educator
5 June 2012
In This Issue
- Letter from Janice
- The Big News: Excellence in Literature wins Blue Ribbon Award from The Old Schoolhouse Crew
- Announcements: Everyday Education in two locations this weekend: ICHE in Illinois and HEAV in Richmond, VA and in Hartford, CT next weekend
- Subscription Management (Need to change your e-mail? Here's where!)
Dear Friend,It seems that we've been traveling for months! Since I last wrote, I've been to the Great Homeschool Convention in California (photo at left). It was a pleasure to meet some of you there and to spend time with lifelong friends (including my indispensable booth manager).
If you attended one of my talks in Long Beach and e-mailed me for a copy of the slides, please remind me if you haven't yet received them. I know I saw more requests when I was checking on my phone while still traveling, but cannot find them in my inbox. I apologize for taking so long to get them to you!
The convention season will be coming to a close for us after this month, but for those of you who can't be at a conference, our annual convention specials will go on. This means that even if you can't be with us in person, you can still get the great deals we offer at our conference booths. If you will be joining us at ICHE in Illinois, GHC in Hartford, I look forward to being with you. If you'll be at HEAV in Richmond, the Everyday Education booth will be manned by the amazingly efficient and knowledgeable Ann and Dave Hoopsick. Be sure to stop by and say hello!
I wish you all a wonderful month of June.
Janice Campbell
Everyday Education, LLC
The Big News
Excellence in Literature wins Blue Ribbon Award from The Old Schoolhouse Crew
At the end of the school year the TOS Homeschool Crew votes for Blue Ribbon Award winners from all of the vendors they have reviewed from the past Crew year. As you can imagine, the competition is fierce, as they look at so many incredible homeschool resources.
The Crew Leaders have picked Excellence in Literature as the Favorite High School Product and Favorite College or College-Prep Product. Needless to say, I'm honored, grateful, and delighted!
Read more about the Blue Ribbon Awards: Read more about Excellence in Literature curriculum for grades 8-12 at
Articles from the Blogs
History of Homeschooling: An Infographic
Q: When did homeschooling begin?
A: Long, long ago.
Centuries before anyone thought of warehousing children for the bulk of their young lives, parents were teaching their children. Somehow, despite a lack of official certification, the world muddled along. Empires rose and fell, creative people created, curious people explored and discovered, and families learned and grew together. Read more and take a look at the infographic put together by Janice shares her thoughts and comments.
What Matters in Entrepreneurship is Whether You Can Get a "Message to Garcia" Are you a go-getter? Will you do what needs to be done? Sometimes focus and determination is the single biggest factor for a successful home business.
Resource of the Month
The United States Department of State offers a free American history text book that is available online or for download as a PDF. You may find it helpful as you work on assignments for the American Literature level of Excellence in Literature.
Here is the link to the Outline of U.S. History.
Resource focus this week-Get a Jump Start on College!
Want to help your teen get a jump start on life? You can! If you are thinking about doing college non-traditionally (early college, accelerated college, distance learning, or late college), the Doing College Your Way page offers information on on distance learning and college-level exams to get you started.
And now, Get a Jump Start on College! A Practical Guide for Teens will help your teen earn college credit in high school. It's available as an instantly downloadable e-book. It is also available as a print book if you prefer. If you'd like to help your teen get a jump start on life, this is a book you need. You can Get a Jump Start on College now.
Upcoming Conferences
Visit Everyday Education in two locations next weekend, June 7-9, 2012: While Janice will be at the ICHE Conference in Naperville, Illinois speaking, Everyday Education will also have a booth at the HEAV Convention in Richmond, VA.
ICHE: Naperville, IL, June 7-9, at the Illinois Christian Home Educator's State Convention at Calvary Church. In addition to four keynote speakers and over 100 workshops, this lovingly planned conference offers several interesting Special Features, including 30 Days of Prayer and Devotions leading up to the conference, Generation Joshua and iElect, a Young Entrepreneurs section, and a multimedia presentation called How Big is God? I'll be speaking on high school, literature, microbusiness, and more, and we'll have a booth in the atrium.At the Everyday Education booth near the concessions at the HEAV conference in Richmond you will find all the Everyday Education resources and we'll also be planning Beat-the-Clock Essay Workshops for the fall and winter. Visit the link for more information and speak to us at the HEAV Convention about planning a workshop for the teens in your group or co-op.
The HEAV conference features more than 140 workshops, incredible speakers, an intensive two-day Film Camp, a brand-new Children’s Program, hands-on dissection lab, a special-needs track, chess championships, graduation, and so much more!
Northeast Homeschool Convention, Hartford, CT, June 14-16, at the Connecticut Convention Center. This conference features a Creation Worldview Track, Teen Track, Friday night comedy, and more. We'll be in Booth 107, and I'll be speaking on language arts, high school, and more.
I hope I'll see you somewhere in the next couple of weeks!