Subject: Don't leave free traffic on the table, get your traffic gifts today...

Every new member who joins the site is getting a 1,000 credit bonus. Matthew has a "secret" gift of 2,500 credits for you too.

In addition to the bonus for joining Heat Wave Mailer, there is a 2,500 credit gift for Heat Wave Mailer inside the Hot Summer Traffic Giveaway site too.

In addition, Hot Summer Traffic is giving away a new gift everyday all summer. There are 16 gifts in there s far that you can claim TODAY!

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Home Income Mailer

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at WebBizInsider

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Web's Best Mailer

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Evolved Traffic

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Instant Profit Mailer

- Free Solo Ad From Supercharged Solo Ads

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Daily Quick Mailer

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Power Station Traffic

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Your Viral Traffic

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Max Impact Mailer

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Unlock Your List

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Dependable Ads

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Your Viral Mailer

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Hot List Mailer

- 2,500 Free Mailing Credits at Heat Wave Mailer

- 5,000 Free Mailing Credits at Splash Page Surfer

If you are not claiming your gifts at Hot Summer Traffic, then you are literally throwing away free quality traffic that could get you more signups and sales.

Don't do that....go get your free traffic right now!

Sandi Flink

Working From Home Daily

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