Subject: the consistent inconsistency of internet marketing... Hu?

consistent inconsistency... an oximoron?

Let's get into it to see what I mean...

Oh, yeah, Xarah here 🤩 your success buddy 😜

Ironic thing about internet marketing… 

People often sell you a "set it and forget it" business. 

But those people often rarely have this business for themselves. They work really hard to sell a lifestyle they’re not living. 

That’s fine with me. A bit confusing, but hey, no one’s perfect! I’m after the end result 🎯

And if someone else has to work hard for me to have it… let them! The creator of this system is busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

He works hard so people like us can work smart 😆 

And he doesn’t ask much in return. 

Check out his system here 

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: Look at these testimonials:


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