Subject: Have you fallen victim to this new kind of scammer?

Have you fallen victim to this new kind of scammer?

September 21st, 2021 at 5:58 pm CET

Please read the following email carefully.  It reveals a certain kind of scammers crawling online, that I and a couple of other experts call: Fly-By-Nighters  What are they?  They're a tricky bunch.  The majority of them can actually help you m ...

The 4-hour workweek story nobody knows

September 18th, 2021 at 3:42 pm CET

Recently, my friend Brian turned 45.  His story is interesting.  Instead of going to college, he got a loan and opened his own hardware store. (I suppose his dad, also an entrepreneur, inspired him) Whereas 18-year-old boys worried about girls, c ...

A funny, yet cautionary tale for people who don't feel "good enough"

September 5th, 2021 at 9:13 pm CET

Meet Johnny.  He was a college dropout who worked as a salesman.  Every day at lunch he went to the exact same restaurant. He sat in the exact same place. And he ordered the exact same meal.  You might think:  “Well, he must have loved the di ...

1.3 Million Super Funnel Is Live (check it out)

September 4th, 2021 at 3:25 pm CET

View onlineHey, Xarah here. How are you doing? And here's another question ;-) Do you want to earn 4 Figures a week? Do you want to have more money to spend on yourself? Sick of paying bills all the time with no cash left to enjoy? I’m here to te ...

About the vaccine mandates in New York...

September 2nd, 2021 at 9:24 pm CET

Right now in NY City... ...You must show your v.a.c.c.i.n.e. card and proof of ID to be able to participate in society with all other human beings. There are zero exemptions. That's really scary! Not even for medical, or religious reasons. Nobody v ...